Stanford researcher explains the science behind the Incredible Hulk | Summary and Q&A

August 12, 2014
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Stanford researcher explains the science behind the Incredible Hulk

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In this video, the speaker discusses the science behind the Incredible Hulk's transformation. They explore the role of gamma radiation in causing genetic damage and the process of reassembling the DNA. The speaker also talks about epigenetic modifications and how they can switch genes on and off, leading to Hulk's transformation. They explain that epigenetic modifications are reversible, unlike genetic mutations. Furthermore, the speaker touches upon the Hulk's green color and suggests that it could be due to a metabolite called biliverdin, which is green and is produced when blood cells are destroyed.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does gamma radiation affect DNA?

Gamma radiation causes double stranded breaks in DNA, cutting it up at multiple points. This process, known as chromothripsis or chromosomal shattering, leads to genetic damage and the need for DNA reassembly.

Q: What is chromothripsis?

Chromothripsis refers to the process of chromosomal shattering caused by gamma radiation. It involves the cutting up of DNA at various locations, similar to dropping a glass vase and having to put it back together.

Q: How are epigenetic modifications related to Hulk's transformation?

Epigenetic modifications, which can turn genes on or off, may play a role in the Hulk's transformation. Each gene associated with being Bruce Banner or the Hulk could have an epigenetic switch, allowing for the transition between the two forms. Moreover, epigenetic modifications are reversible, offering a potential explanation for the Hulk's ability to transform back into Bruce Banner.

Q: Why is the Hulk green?

The green color of the Hulk could be attributed to a metabolite called biliverdin, which is produced when blood cells are destroyed. Biliverdin is green in color. Some animals with high levels of biliverdin in their blood, such as certain lizards, have visibly green blood. It is possible that the Hulk's traumatic transformation causes a surge in metabolism that leads to the destruction of blood cells and the accumulation of biliverdin, resulting in his green appearance.

Q: How do epigenetic modifications differ from genetic mutations?

Epigenetic modifications are reversible modifications that can turn genes on or off. In contrast, genetic mutations are permanent changes in DNA sequence that cannot be easily reversed. While genetic mutations are permanent, epigenetic modifications offer a level of flexibility in gene expression.

Q: Can epigenetic modifications explain the Hulk's switch between different forms?

Yes, epigenetic modifications can potentially explain the Hulk's ability to switch between Bruce Banner and the Hulk. By modifying the epigenetic switches associated with the respective forms, the Hulk can transform back into Bruce Banner when anger subsides.

Q: Is there a scientific explanation for how the Hulk's pants stay on during transformation?

The mystery of the Hulk's pants staying on after every transformation remains unsolved by science. It is a humorous element of the character that adds to the entertainment value.

Q: How does the Hulk's transformation affect his blood cells?

During the Hulk's transformation, there may be a surge in metabolism that destroys his blood cells. As a result, he could have a significant increase in a green metabolite called biliverdin, which is produced from the breakdown of hemoglobin. This could contribute to the Hulk's green appearance and potentially provide additional physiological benefits.


The Incredible Hulk's transformation involves various scientific concepts. Gamma radiation causes genetic damage by breaking DNA strands, leading to the Hulk's physical changes. Epigenetic modifications can control gene expression and potentially explain the Hulk's ability to switch between Bruce Banner and the Hulk. The green color of the Hulk could be due to the presence of biliverdin, a green metabolite produced when blood cells are destroyed. However, the mystery of how the Hulk's pants stay on during transformation remains unsolved.

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