SELENA GOMEZ ON: How To STOP Insecurity & TRULY LOVE YOURSELF To The Core | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

November 7, 2022
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SELENA GOMEZ ON: How To STOP Insecurity & TRULY LOVE YOURSELF To The Core | Jay Shetty

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In this video, Selena Gomez sits down with Jay Shetty to discuss her new documentary and the importance of embracing imperfections. Selena shares her journey of healing and how she has learned to let go of the need for perfection. She also talks about the challenges of being in the spotlight and the power of leading with love. Selena reflects on her experiences with mental health and how she has found strength in vulnerability. The conversation touches on the impact of change and the importance of self-acceptance. Selena also discusses her mission trips and the inspiration she finds in helping others. Overall, the video highlights Selena's growth, resilience, and commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

Questions & Answers

Q: How has releasing the documentary been a healing process for Selena?

Releasing the documentary has been a huge healing process for Selena. She initially had doubts and fears about sharing such personal and honest moments, but she ultimately realized that it was meant for something bigger than herself. She saw it as an opportunity to help others and let go of an old version of herself.

Q: How does Selena approach sharing her darker secrets with others?

Selena believes it is important to be mindful of who she shares her story with. She surrounds herself with supportive and loving people who can provide the right guidance and advice. She also emphasizes the importance of learning about oneself and developing a relationship with one's struggles in order to heal and grow.

Q: What led Selena to start taking control of her narrative?

Selena started taking control of her narrative when she went through a public breakup. She realized that she didn't have to conform to others' expectations or let external opinions define her. She found strength in being honest and authentic, and she wanted to combat negative stories with her own truth and kindness.

Q: How does Selena feel about being seen as a perfect celebrity?

Selena doesn't want people to see her as perfect or have unrealistic expectations of her. She wants to be relatable and down-to-earth, someone whom others can approach and have meaningful conversations with. Selena believes that no one is perfect, including herself, and she constantly works on embracing her imperfections.

Q: How does Selena deal with imperfections in her personal and professional life?

Selena has learned to be okay with her imperfections and has grown to love the parts of herself that are not perfect. She believes that even the small imperfections define who she is. In her work, Selena embraces spontaneity and sees mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning. She welcomes imperfections and finds joy in them.

Q: What was Selena's experience like visiting her hometown and other familiar places?

Going back to her hometown and familiar places felt safe and comforting for Selena. It reminded her of the love and support she received growing up. She hopes to inspire people from where she's from and be someone they can relate to. Selena feels a sense of connection and gratitude when she visits these places.

Q: How does Selena view change and discomfort now?

Although Selena used to hate change, she has learned to embrace it over the past year. She realized that staying in her comfort zone was not fulfilling and that change can bring new experiences and make her feel more alive. Selena sees discomfort as an opportunity for growth and has become more open to exploring different environments and perspectives.

Q: How does Selena approach missions and helping others?

Selena views everyone in the world as her brother and sister, and she feels a responsibility to help and make a positive impact. She takes mission trips and sees them as an opportunity to bring change, spread a message, and inspire others. Selena plans to continue doing these trips and hopes to have a life dedicated to helping others in the future.

Q: How does Selena handle the challenges of being in the spotlight?

Selena finds it frustrating when she is asked shallow or clickbait questions during interviews. She strives to lead with love and inject kindness into her responses. Selena understands that she cannot control what others say or think about her, but she chooses to focus on her truth and not let negative opinions affect her.

Q: What is Selena's greatest dream?

Selena's greatest dream is to continue making a positive change in the world. She is committed to using her platform to spread love and inspire others. Selena aspires to do more and hopes to eventually have a life dedicated to making a difference similar to Jay Shetty's work.


Selena Gomez's journey of healing and self-acceptance is a powerful example of overcoming challenges and embracing imperfections. She has learned the importance of surrounding herself with supportive people and understanding her struggles. Selena emphasizes the need to lead with love and hold onto hope, even in difficult times. She shares her experiences with mental health and emphasizes that there is no perfect way to heal. Selena encourages others to let go of the need for perfection and find strength in vulnerability. Through her mission trips and commitment to helping others, Selena showcases the power of making a positive impact in the world. Overall, the conversation with Selena Gomez highlights the significance of personal growth, resilience, and finding purpose in inspiring others.

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