Michael Moritz On The Tech Ecosystem | Disrupt SF 2013 | Summary and Q&A

September 9, 2013
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Michael Moritz On The Tech Ecosystem | Disrupt SF 2013

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In this video, the speaker discusses the rise of the data factory and how it is changing the way people work and make money. He highlights the significant advancements in technology, such as increased bandwidth, storage capabilities, computational power, and the explosion of applications. These advancements have enabled data factories to empower individuals and small businesses, providing them with tools to contribute and thrive in the digital age. The speaker emphasizes the profound implications of this shift and discusses the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the Industrial Revolution change the organization of the workplace?

The Industrial Revolution brought about a significant change in the organization of the workplace. Prior to this period, farmers and workers were mainly focused on self-sustenance and had limited interaction with consumers. However, the rise of textile mills and later automobile factories introduced the concept of centralized workplaces. Factories operated with suppliers and produced goods for consumers, leading to the establishment of communication and distribution facilities. The key difference was the shift to an organized workplace, where individuals worked together in a factory setting.

Q: What are the factors that have enabled the rise of the data factory in the last decade?

Several factors have contributed to the rise of the data factory. Firstly, there has been an explosion of bandwidth, allowing for unprecedented connectivity and data transfer speeds. Secondly, advancements in storage technology have ensured that vast amounts of data can be stored and accessed easily. Additionally, the power of computers and computation has grown exponentially, enabling complex data processing and analysis. Lastly, there has been a massive increase in the number of applications available, providing users with a wide range of tools and services. These factors have laid the foundation for the emergence of data factories.

Q: How have tools and computing power become more accessible and affordable?

The cost and distribution of tools and computing power have undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. In the past, the computing power equivalent to today's smartphones would have cost millions of dollars. However, with technological advancements, smartphones now provide powerful tools at a fraction of the cost. Furthermore, the size and scope of tools have significantly increased. In the past, industries like automotive and textile production had peak productions in the millions, but now, data factories distribute billions of dollars worth of tools to individuals worldwide. Additionally, the cost of other essential tools for operating a business, such as software and services, has significantly decreased, making them more accessible to small businesses and individuals.

Q: How do data factories benefit from unpaid contributions?

Data factories benefit from unpaid contributions from numerous individuals. Many platforms, like YouTube, Yelp, and LinkedIn, encourage users to contribute content for free. These contributions enrich the data factory's services and content, attracting more users and driving traffic. For example, LinkedIn's invitation to influential figures like Bill Gates and the President to contribute content has significantly boosted its traffic and made it one of the largest business sites online. These unpaid contributions help data factories expand their offerings and increase their user base.

Q: Can you provide examples of individuals and small businesses benefiting from data factory tools?

Many individuals and small businesses have thrived thanks to the tools provided by data factories. For instance, platforms like eBay and Google AdWords have enabled millions of sellers to run successful businesses, generating significant income. YouTube has launched numerous individuals into successful careers, such as Michelle Phan, who has built a thriving business and following. Amazon has transformed small enterprises, like a sled business and independent authors, enabling them to reach a global audience and achieve considerable success. Other services, such as Airbnb, Etsy, and Square, have empowered individuals to generate income and grow their businesses. These examples demonstrate the impactful role of data factory tools in supporting entrepreneurship and economic growth.


The rise of data factories has ushered in a new era of work and opportunity. With the advancements in technology and the accessibility of powerful tools, individuals and small businesses can now thrive in the digital economy. These data factories provide platforms for unpaid contributions, enabling individuals to contribute their expertise and content. Additionally, data factory tools have empowered entrepreneurs, transforming average individuals into successful business owners. However, despite these advancements, significant challenges remain, including income inequality and the struggle to attract and retain talent in the competitive global landscape. Nonetheless, the emergence of data factories signifies a monumental shift in the organization of work and presents new possibilities for individuals and societies worldwide.

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