Lex Fridman Podcast | Now in ASCII + Name Change | Summary and Q&A

August 19, 2020
Lex Fridman
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Lex Fridman Podcast | Now in ASCII + Name Change

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In this video, the host of the podcast "Artificial Intelligence" announces that he is releasing version 2.0 of the podcast. He discusses the changes he has made, including changing the podcast name to "Lex Friedman Podcast" and potentially switching the video to ASCII format. He explains the reasons behind these changes, such as wanting to interview a wider range of guests and removing the intimidation factor of the AI name. The host emphasizes his goal of making the guests the star of the show and his appreciation for the support he has received from his audience.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the host decide to change the name of the podcast?

The host decided to change the name of the podcast to "Lex Friedman Podcast" for several reasons. Firstly, most people already referred to it as such. Secondly, by removing "AI" from the name, the host has the freedom to interview individuals outside the field of AI, such as physicists, historians, and athletes. Lastly, the name "AI" often intimidated potential guests, so switching to a more generic and silly name makes it easier to approach guests from various domains.

Q: How does the host strive to make the guests the star of the show?

The host's objective is to highlight the guest's expertise and insights during the podcast episodes. He intentionally asks simple questions in hopes of uncovering fundamental and even beautiful ideas. The host is willing to risk looking like an idiot in order to facilitate meaningful discussions that showcase the guest's knowledge and perspective.

Q: Will the podcast maintain the same RSS feed and other aspects?

Yes, despite the changes, the podcast will continue to use the same RSS feed and all other aspects will remain the same. The host encourages listeners to share the podcast and expresses his gratitude for the support and kind words he has received thus far.

Q: What does the host plan for version 3.0 of the podcast?

The host briefly mentions that version 3.0 will be "outside the simulation." It is unclear what exactly this means, as the host does not provide further details.

Q: What motivates the host to continue with the podcast?

The host expresses sincere appreciation for the support he has received from listeners. He acknowledges that their kind words and love have acted as fuel for him. Despite any challenges or difficulties, the host affectionately addresses his audience and expresses gratitude for their ongoing support.

Q: How does the host's interview style differ from others?

The host takes a humble approach to interviewing, always striving to ask the simplest possible questions. He aims to reach the core aspects of a subject matter and explore fundamental concepts. This approach may sometimes make the host appear foolish, but he believes it leads to uncovering something profound and beautiful.

Q: What other changes did the host consider, besides changing the podcast name?

Aside from changing the podcast name, the host also mentions the possibility of switching the video format to ASCII. He humorously suggests utilizing ASCII video modes, such as the Matrix view, and offers to create a video tutorial if there is interest from the audience.

Q: How long has the host been hosting the podcast?

The host mentions that he has been hosting the podcast called "Artificial Intelligence" for over two years before deciding to release version 2.0 with the changes.

Q: What types of guests does the host intend to interview?

While the host still aims to interview top researchers in artificial intelligence and science and technology fields, he also wants to expand the range of guests he features. He plans to interview individuals from domains such as neuroscience, neurobiology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics, who have had a significant impact on his life outside of science and technology.

Q: How does the host view himself in relation to the podcast?

The host describes himself as not taking himself seriously at all. He prioritizes making the guests the star of the show and ensures that they receive the spotlight. The host willingly puts himself in situations where he may appear foolish because he believes in the importance of discovering profound and beautiful ideas.


The host of the podcast "Artificial Intelligence" announces version 2.0 of the podcast, accompanied by changes such as renaming it to "Lex Friedman Podcast" and potentially adopting ASCII video formats. The goal is to interview a broader range of guests and remove the intimidation associated with the AI name. The host emphasizes a humble interviewing style, asking simple questions to uncover fundamental and beautiful concepts. Despite the changes, the podcast will maintain its RSS feed and appreciates the support from listeners. The host teases version 3.0, promising an experience "outside the simulation."

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