Lecture 1 | Modern Physics: Statistical Mechanics | Summary and Q&A

September 3, 2009
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Lecture 1 | Modern Physics: Statistical Mechanics

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This video discusses the concept of statistical mechanics, which is often thought of as a theory of how atoms combine to form gases, liquids, solids, plasmas, and blackbody radiation. However, statistical mechanics is both more and less than that. It is a useful tool in many areas of science where a large number of variables need to be dealt with using statistical methods. The video also explores the application of probability theory in statistical mechanics and the conditions under which statistical mechanics applies to different systems.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is statistical mechanics?

Statistical mechanics is often seen as a theory of how atoms form different states of matter, but it is more than that. It is a mathematical structure that can be applied to various scientific disciplines where a large number of variables need to be approached using statistical methods. It is, in essence, probability theory in specific circumstances.

Q: What is the difference between statistics and probability?

While there may be some technical difference between statistics and probability, statistical mechanics is the application of probability in specific circumstances. It is a way of using mathematical principles to predict the behavior of systems and make statistical inferences based on observed data.

Q: Under what circumstances does statistical mechanics apply to reality?

It is difficult to prove rigorously whether statistical mechanics applies to any significant system other than simple model systems. While there are criteria and circumstances that may indicate the applicability of statistical mechanics, it has not been completely proven. It is interesting to think about the criteria and circumstances under which statistical mechanics can be employed, such as systems like a piece of chalk.

Q: Can the probability of coin flipping be determined based on symmetry?

In the case of coin flipping, if the coin is symmetric and has no noticeable differences between its sides, it is reasonable to assume that the probability of flipping heads or tails is 1/2 for each. Symmetry ensures that both sides are equal and therefore have equal probabilities. However, in reality, there may be slight imbalances or variations that can affect the probabilities.

Q: How can probabilities be determined when there are no symmetries?

In situations where there are no symmetries, determining probabilities becomes more challenging. Take the example of coloring the sides of a die differently. In this case, the priori probability of flipping a specific color cannot be determined purely based on symmetry. The real symmetry of the system acts on the different phases, not the colors. In such cases, further analysis and knowledge of the system's environment and details may be required.

Q: Can a priori probabilities be determined by flipping a zillion times?

While one way to determine a priori probabilities is to flip a coin or die a large number of times and observe the frequency of outcomes, it is not always feasible or necessary to physically conduct such experiments. Statistical mechanics relies on probability theory under certain circumstances, and it involves making inferences and predictions based on statistical knowledge and information about the system.

Q: What are the conditions under which statistical mechanics applies?

The conditions under which statistical mechanics applies depend on various factors related to the specific system being considered. In general, statistical mechanics is most applicable to systems where a large number of variables need to be dealt with and where probabilities can be assigned based on statistical reasoning. It often applies to systems contained within finite boundaries or containers.

Q: How do distinctions between configurations in classical mechanics and statistical mechanics work?

In classical mechanics, distinctions between configurations are conserved, meaning that different starting points never lead to the same endpoint and trajectories don't cross or merge. This principle is crucial for the conservation of information and the predictability of system behavior. While statistical mechanics allows for a broader range of possibilities, it still operates within the framework of conserved distinctions and trajectories that remain distinct.

Q: Are trajectories of classical systems always deterministic?

Yes, in classical mechanics, trajectories of systems are deterministic in the sense that given a starting point and the governing equations of motion, you can predict the future positions and momenta of the system. However, the apparent randomness or statistical behavior often arises due to incomplete knowledge or information about the system, such as the detailed interactions with the surrounding environment.

Q: What is the conservation of distinctions in classical mechanics?

The conservation of distinctions in classical mechanics refers to the fact that trajectories never merge or cross, and different starting points lead to distinct endpoints. This principle is built into the structure of classical mechanics and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior and predictability of systems.


Statistical mechanics is a mathematical structure and a tool used in many scientific disciplines where a large number of variables need to be dealt with using statistical methods. It is a way of applying probability theory to predict the behavior of systems. While statistical mechanics has broad applications and criteria for its applicability, it is challenging to rigorously prove its validity for complex systems. In classical mechanics, the conservation of distinctions ensures that trajectories of systems remain distinct and predictable. This principle of the conservation of distinctions is fundamental to understanding the behavior of classical systems.

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