Lecture 1 | Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems | Summary and Q&A

July 8, 2008
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Lecture 1 | Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems

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This video is an introduction to the course EE 263 at Stanford University, which focuses on linear dynamical systems. The instructor provides an overview of the course mechanics, prerequisites, and the topics covered. He explains what a linear dynamical system is, its applications in various fields, and why it is important to study them.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the course about?

The course, EE 263, is about linear dynamical systems and their applications in various fields.

Q: What are the mechanics of the course?

The course mechanics include weekly homework, take-home exams, and class materials available on the course website. The homework will be graded crudely and the exams will be scheduled at the end of the quarter.

Q: What are the prerequisites for the course?

The prerequisites for the course include an exposure to linear algebra and a basic understanding of Laplace transform differential equations. Some familiarity with probability and statistics is also helpful.

Q: What are the applications of linear dynamical systems?

Linear dynamical systems are used in various fields such as automatic control, signal processing, communications, economics, finance, and aeronautics. They are fundamental in modeling and analyzing systems in these fields.

Q: Why should one study linear dynamical systems?

Linear dynamical systems are widely used in many applications and understanding them is essential in fields such as engineering, economics, finance, and more. Most methods for nonlinear systems are based on ideas from linear dynamical systems, making it an important foundation for further study.

Q: What is the history and origin of linear dynamical systems?

Linear dynamical systems have a historical background that dates back to the 19th century, combining principles from linear algebra and classical circuits. They gained widespread use in aerospace in the 1960s and have since been adopted in various fields.

Q: How do nonlinear dynamical systems relate to linear dynamical systems?

Nonlinear dynamical systems often rely on concepts and methods from linear dynamical systems. Understanding linear systems is important for modeling and analyzing nonlinear systems.

Q: What are the mechanics of the course, such as homework and exams?

The course includes weekly homework assignments and take-home exams. The homework will be graded quickly and approximately, while the exams will be scheduled at the end of the quarter and can be completed within a certain time frame.

Q: Can you explain the different matrices used in linear dynamical systems?

Linear dynamical systems involve matrices such as the dynamics matrix, input matrix, output matrix, and feed-through matrix. These matrices describe the behavior of the system and how inputs and outputs relate to the state.

Q: Are there any prerequisites other than linear algebra for this course?

While linear algebra is the main prerequisite for this course, some familiarity with Laplace transform differential equations and probability/statistics can also be helpful in understanding certain topics.


Linear dynamical systems are widely used in various fields such as engineering, economics, and finance, among others. Understanding these systems is essential as most methods for nonlinear systems are based on ideas from linear dynamical systems. The course mechanics include weekly homework assignments and take-home exams, and the prerequisites mainly involve linear algebra and some background in Laplace transform differential equations. Linear dynamical systems have a historical background and gained widespread use since the 1960s. While nonlinear dynamical systems exist, they often rely on concepts and methods from linear dynamical systems.

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