Joe and Theo Von Try Jujimufu's Smelling Salts | Summary and Q&A

November 8, 2021
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Joe and Theo Von Try Jujimufu's Smelling Salts

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In this video, Joe Rogan and his guest, Rob Kearney, discuss the use of smelling salts in powerlifting. They open a bag of smelling salts and discuss its strong and potent smell. They also talk about the effects it has on the nervous system and how powerlifters use it to jolt themselves before lifting heavy weights.

Questions & Answers

Q: What did Rob Kearney talk about on the podcast?

Rob Kearney, a powerlifter, discussed the use of smelling salts and their effects on the nervous system. He also mentioned that he has a sponsor for smelling salts.

Q: What did Joe Rogan and Jamie do with the smelling salts?

Jamie, the producer, bought some smelling salts after hearing about it on the podcast. They opened the bag and experienced the strong and rank smell of the salts.

Q: Is it safe to open the smelling salts in the room?

Joe and Jamie question whether it is safe to open the smelling salts in the room. They discuss the warning label, which advises not to smell it more than a couple of times a day.

Q: What is the purpose of using smelling salts before lifting weights?

The idea behind using smelling salts before lifting weights is to jolt the nervous system and help the lifter focus solely on the task at hand. It is believed to provide a jolting effect that clears the mind.

Q: What does Joe Rogan compare the smelling salts to?

Joe Rogan compares the smelling salts to something that shocks the system, like aloe vera going down or a shocking experience. He is surprised by the strong impact it has on his senses.

Q: What is Jamie's reaction to the smelling salts?

Jamie initially hesitates, but eventually takes a whiff of the smelling salts. He describes feeling more clear and separate from his thoughts after smelling them.

Q: Do all powerlifters use smelling salts?

Joe Rogan mentions that most powerlifters use smelling salts before their lifts. He mentions videos where powerlifters get smacked in the face by their girlfriends to wake them up using smelling salts.

Q: Is there a connection between smelling salts and breaking a nose?

According to Joe Rogan, the impact of smelling salts on the senses is similar to breaking a nose. He mentions how powerlifters sometimes break a little ampule containing smelling salts to wake them up.

Q: Does smelling salts have a lasting effect?

Joe Rogan and Jamie discuss how the smell of the salts linger in their noses even after taking a deep breath. They discuss the tiny particles of the salts being inside their noses.

Q: What other smells do Joe Rogan and Jamie find enjoyable?

They mention enjoying the smell of magic markers and gasoline. Joe recalls how someone once drank gasoline on Halloween, creating a strange smell-related experience.


In this video, Joe Rogan and his guest, Rob Kearney, explore the use of smelling salts in powerlifting. The strong and potent smell of the salts is experienced firsthand, leaving both men surprised by its impact. They discuss how powerlifters use smelling salts to jolt their nervous system and improve focus before heavy lifts. The conversation also touches on other strong smells, such as gasoline and markers, and their effects on the senses. Overall, it offers an interesting and informative discussion about a lesser-known aspect of the powerlifting world.

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