I'm not afraid. You're afraid | Tristan Harris | Nobel Prize Summit 2023 | Summary and Q&A

June 2, 2023
Nobel Prize
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I'm not afraid. You're afraid | Tristan Harris | Nobel Prize Summit 2023

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In this video, the speaker discusses the collective effects of technology and humanity, and how social media has influenced our minds. They talk about the misalignment between our brains and technology and describe social media as the "first contact" between humanity and AI. The speaker also highlights the negative consequences of social media, such as information overload, loneliness, and the breakdown of our shared reality. They emphasize the need to upgrade our institutions and align our sense-making and decision-making abilities with the complexity of the world. The video ends with a call to recognize the need to bind and limit the power of technology with wisdom and responsibility.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the speaker describe the collective effects of technology and humanity?

The speaker describes the collective effects of technology and humanity by comparing it to the climate change of culture. They highlight the misalignment between our brains and technology, and how social media has rewired our flows of attention and information.

Q: What is meant by "first contact" with AI?

"First contact" with AI refers to the initial interaction between humanity and AI, which occurred through social media. When users swipe their finger on platforms like TikTok, Twitter, or YouTube, they activate a powerful algorithm that analyzes billions of interactions to determine what content to show next. This interaction between humans and AI has already had profound effects on society.

Q: What are some of the negative consequences of social media?

The negative consequences of social media mentioned by the speaker include information overload, doom scrolling, a loneliness crisis, influencer culture, sexualization of young kids, polarization, bots, deep fakes, and the breakdown of our shared reality. These effects collectively contribute to the "climate change of culture" caused by social media.

Q: How did we lose in the "first contact" with social media?

We lost in the "first contact" with social media because the stories we told ourselves about its benefits, such as connecting people and giving them what they want, hid the underlying race to maximize engagement. Social media companies prioritized keeping users addicted to attention and validation in order to be more profitable. This led to design decisions like slot machine mechanics and instant sharing features, which resulted in the spread of fake news and the amplification of extreme voices.

Q: How does technology contribute to the complexity of our problems?

Technology, specifically AI, steepens the curve of complexity by supercharging existing threats like synthetic biology and misinformation. For example, generative media can create convincing fake images or information that can have serious consequences, such as devaluing a currency or causing panic. Technology amplifies and accelerates the complexity of the issues we face, which our current institutions and decision-making processes struggle to keep up with.

Q: What needs to be done to solve the problems caused by social media and AI?

The speaker suggests that the solution is not just content moderation or fact-checking, but rather an upgrade of our institutions to match the complexity of the world. This involves embracing our Paleolithic brains, upgrading our medieval institutions to address long-term cumulative harms, and recognizing the race dynamics of technology. They also emphasize the need for wisdom and responsibility to accompany the power of technology.

Q: How can technology embrace our Paleolithic brains?

Technology can embrace our Paleolithic brains by designing interfaces and features that align with how our brains operate. This includes considering confirmation bias, the social rewards of belonging, and the need for human connection. For example, social media platforms could prioritize showcasing actual physical communities and facilitating in-person interactions rather than virtual groups.

Q: What does it mean to upgrade our medieval institutions?

Upgrading our medieval institutions refers to transforming them to address not only acute harms but also diffuse, chronic, and cumulative harms. Current institutions are often ill-equipped to handle long-term and complex issues like climate change or the impact of social media on mental health. The speaker suggests the need for liability for AI companies and the development of institutions that are capable of dealing with the multifaceted challenges of the modern world.

Q: How can we bind the power of technology?

Binding the power of technology requires recognizing and addressing the race dynamics involved. Instead of solely blaming individuals or CEOs, it is important to focus on limiting the power itself. This involves considering the consequences and effects that technology can have on society and implementing appropriate boundaries and regulations.

Q: What is the main message of the video?

The main message of the video is that humanity needs to upgrade its institutions and align its sense-making and decision-making abilities with the increasing complexity of the world. This requires recognizing the power of technology, embracing our Paleolithic brains, upgrading our medieval institutions, and binding the power of technology with wisdom and responsibility.


The speaker highlights the need to address the collective effects of technology and humanity, particularly in the context of social media and AI. They emphasize the misalignment between our brains and technology and the damaging consequences of current social media practices. The solution lies in upgrading our institutions, recognizing the race dynamics of technology, and ensuring that the power of technology is bound with wisdom and responsibility.

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