Groups Search for Consensus, Individuals Search for Truth | Summary and Q&A

March 24, 2020
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Groups Search for Consensus, Individuals Search for Truth

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In this video, the speaker discusses the concept of truth and how it is often distorted by society. They highlight the conflict between what society wants for individuals and what is actually good for them. The speaker explores various societal truths, such as the belief that money brings happiness and the role of education in schools. They also note how society not only presents false truths but also programs individuals to feel guilty when they go against societal norms. Overall, the video emphasizes the difficulty of seeking truth in a world filled with misinformation and societal pressure.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is truth such a contentious issue?

Truth is often fought over because society's version of truth may not align with what is truly beneficial for individuals. Society tends to search for consensus, while individuals seek personal truth. This clash often leads to disagreement and conflicts regarding what is considered true.

Q: Can society always be trusted to tell the truth?

No, society often presents false truths to its members. Many things that society throws at us throughout the day are misleading or untrue. However, as individuals, we are often forced to go along with these falsehoods, even if deep down we know they are not true.

Q: Is it true that money doesn't bring happiness?

While society often promotes the idea that money doesn't bring happiness, this is a societal truth rather than an individual truth. Many individuals recognize that money can alleviate sources of unhappiness and provide a sense of control over their own happiness. Society's blanket statement neglects the complex relationship between money and happiness.

Q: What is the true purpose of sending kids to school?

Contrary to the belief that sending kids to school is primarily for education, the reality is that school serves multiple purposes. Alongside a small amount of education, schools provide socialization, compliance training, and even act as a form of babysitting for parents who cannot care for their children at home. Education, as shown by homeschooling and unschooling statistics, can be just a small aspect of the overall school experience.

Q: How does society enforce its version of truth?

Society not only presents false truths but also programs individuals to internalize these societal norms. One example of this is the feeling of guilt, which is society's voice speaking in our heads. Society has effectively programmed us to become our own wardens, punishing ourselves when we transgress against societal truths.

Q: Why is truth-seeking challenging?

Truth-seeking is difficult because individuals must firmly believe that many of the things they are told are wrong. Society bombards us with false information all day long, making it challenging to discern the truth amidst the misinformation. Additionally, going against societal norms and truths can bring about guilt and internal conflict.

Q: Are there any other societal truths that are misleading?

Yes, society presents numerous other falsehoods. For example, the belief that sending your kids to school guarantees them a proper education is untrue. Society often promotes these false truths that individuals are expected to believe and follow.

Q: How do societal truths impact individuals?

Societal truths can have a significant impact on individuals' lives. They shape our beliefs, choices, and actions, often leading us away from our true desires and authentic selves. They can create internal conflict and prevent individuals from pursuing their own truths.

Q: Can individuals overcome societal programming?

While overcoming societal programming is challenging, it is possible. It requires deep conviction and critical thinking to break free from the false truths society instills within us. Recognizing society's influence and questioning societal norms are essential steps toward finding personal truths.

Q: What evidence exists to support the argument against societal truths?

The increasing popularity of homeschooling and unschooling provides evidence that challenges the traditional societal truths promoted by education systems. The statistics from these alternative forms of education suggest that society's version of truth regarding education is far from accurate.


The video highlights the constant struggle for truth in society. It emphasizes that societal truths are often flawed and not necessarily aligned with individuals' best interests. Society not only presents false information but also programs individuals to adhere to these misleading truths. Overcoming societal programming and seeking personal truths require deep conviction and critical thinking. The example of education serves as evidence that society's version of truth is frequently distorted. Recognizing and questioning societal norms is crucial for individuals to find their own authentic truths.

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