George Soros | Charlie Rose | 1995 #2 | Summary and Q&A

December 5, 2020
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George Soros | Charlie Rose | 1995 #2

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In this interview, George Soros discusses the Bosnian peace agreement and his support for it. He talks about his conversations with negotiators and his dinner with Zilajit, who is in favor of the treaty. Soros expresses his hope for a unified Bosnia and the challenges that the treaty may face, particularly in regards to the city of Sarajevo. He supports the deployment of American military forces and acknowledges the divided public opinion on this issue. Soros emphasizes the importance of reconstruction, the war crimes tribunal, and the role of the international community in ensuring the success of the peace agreement.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was Zilajit's view on the peace agreement?

Zilajit was strongly in favor of the peace agreement. He believed that it was necessary to have peace and that the treaty was the best possible outcome given the circumstances. Additionally, he supported the principle of civic citizenship over ethnic divisions.

Q: Is the peace agreement a partition or a unified Bosnia?

The possibility of a partition was a concern when Soros initially met with Zilajit. However, after discussing the situation, Soros became more hopeful that a unified Bosnia could be achieved. Zilajit's stance on civic citizenship and the potential implementation of the treaty were factors that led Soros to support the settlement.

Q: What will happen to Sarajevo?

Sarajevo has been preserved as an entity, with the serb suburbs becoming part of the city. The challenge, however, is whether the serbs will choose to stay or leave due to fears for their safety. Soros believes it is up to the Bosnian government to reassure and protect the serbs if Sarajevo is to be re-established as a multi-ethnic city.

Q: Are you in support of sending American military forces to Bosnia?

Soros is enthusiastically in support of sending American military forces to Bosnia. He believes that the international community has a grave responsibility for what happened in Bosnia, and now there is a chance to build and maintain peace. Soros emphasizes that the United States must not fail in this opportunity.

Q: Do you think the American public has the will to support the deployment of troops?

While public opinion is divided on the issue, Soros expresses hope that the American public will support the deployment of troops. He acknowledges that there is strong opposition, especially from those who have recently entered Congress. However, he believes that responsible leaders, including those within the Republican Party, will ultimately support the president's decision.

Q: What is the exit strategy for American troops in Bosnia?

The date of the upcoming presidential election is significant as an assurance that the troops will be brought back home before that time. While some may argue that this is only motivated by politics, Soros believes that it is the greatest assurance that the troops will be safely withdrawn. He emphasizes the need for a coherent strategy beyond politics to ensure the success of the peace agreement.

Q: What can the American troops do in Bosnia?

The primary role of American troops in Bosnia is to keep the factions apart. Their mission does not involve bringing the factions together or engaging in nation-building. The emphasis should be on reconstruction, training the police, establishing a war crimes tribunal, and facilitating fair elections, as these factors will determine the success of the peace agreement.

Q: Do you believe there will be a build-down of the Serbian military capability?

Soros believes that there will be a build-down of the Serbian military capability in Bosnia. The exhaustion of the Serbian forces and the significant number of Serbs who have already left Bosnia indicate a change in the ethnic composition. If some of the displaced Serbs return, the mixture of the population will shift, and the process of rebuilding a multi-ethnic society may be challenging but not impossible.

Q: Do you expect to see Karadzic and Mladic on trial at the war crimes tribunal?

Soros expects to see Karadzic and Mladic on trial at the war crimes tribunal. The terms of the treaty give the power to the commander and the main civilian implementation officer to reimpose the embargo on Yugoslavia if non-compliance is found. This includes the potential arrest of individuals like Karadzic and Mladic. Soros suggests that their arrest may also implicate Milosevic, making it difficult for them to resist trial.

Q: What can be done to ensure the implementation of the peace agreement?

Soros believes that applying pressure and garnering public support is crucial for the implementation of the peace agreement. He emphasizes that the mechanism for success is already in place and that the will of the international community, driven by public opinion, will determine the outcome. Soros states his commitment to doing whatever he can to make sure the agreement is implemented successfully.


The interview highlights George Soros' support for the Bosnian peace agreement and his belief in the possibility of a unified Bosnia. He emphasizes the importance of American military intervention, reconstruction efforts, the war crimes tribunal, and international pressure to ensure the success of the peace agreement. Soros expresses hope that the American public will support the deployment of troops and discusses his change of support from Clinton to Dole based on the latest developments. Furthermore, he acknowledges the potential positive impact of economic forces in bringing about change in Bosnia. Overall, the interview sheds light on the complex dynamics and challenges involved in achieving peace in the region.

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