Gary Vee Shares The SECRET To Living A Life Of NO REGRETS & BUILDING SUCCESS | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

September 18, 2020
Success Habits
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Gary Vee Shares The SECRET To Living A Life Of NO REGRETS & BUILDING SUCCESS | Jay Shetty

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In this video, Gary Vee discusses various topics including the importance of not judging oneself, the power of self-awareness, the balance between humility and confidence, and the need for more optimism and positivity in society. He emphasizes the value of finding what works for oneself and not getting caught up in the opinions of others. He also talks about his recent shift towards being more creatively brave and embracing experimentation and learning from failures.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Gary Vee balance humility and confidence?

Gary Vee believes that his humility is his deep foundational aspect to his success. He values everybody's opinion, but he synthesizes it and takes the good from it. He also sees the importance of empathy and sympathy for the person delivering the message, even if it's negative feedback. He believes in being self-aware and not judging others, which allows him to not judge himself.

Q: How does Gary Vee handle criticism and negative feedback?

Gary Vee has developed the ability to not let both positive and negative feedback penetrate his psyche. He deploys sympathy and empathy for the person leaving the negative comment, knowing that they are not in a good place if they are spewing hate. He also tries to see if there is any truth in the feedback and uses it to improve himself. He believes that not taking feedback too seriously is necessary to take advantage of the opportunity to share content with the world.

Q: How does Gary Vee approach parenting advice?

Gary Vee believes that parenting advice should be based on tapping into who we were as children, rather than what other parents or teachers say. He thinks that children should have more of a voice as we get older, and parenting should be centered around understanding the child's perspective. He also mentions that his opinions on parenting have become more true through synthesizing his experiences as a child and gaining perspective as a parent.

Q: How does Gary Vee handle expectations and entitlement?

Gary Vee believes in having zero expectations and not feeling entitled to anything. He sees everything as his responsibility and values everything else as a bonus. He sees expectations as a crutch that can paralyze people and prevent them from taking action. He emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's own life and not relying on external factors to dictate happiness.

Q: How does Gary Vee navigate the judgment and criticism from others?

Gary Vee emphasizes the need for thoughtfulness and understanding in society. He believes that people are too quick to judge others based on limited information and that we should judge the person delivering the message rather than giving the same weight to everyone's opinion. He also mentions the importance of not taking comments too literally and considering the context and intent behind them.

Q: How does Gary Vee approach his content creation and experimenting with new ideas?

Gary Vee believes in constantly testing and learning from his content creation. He has recently started a new initiative called "What If Wednesdays" where he explores different ideas for products and shares them on Instagram. He understands that not everything will be successful, but he is embracing creativity and taking risks without worrying too much about how it will be received.

Q: How does Gary Vee handle being the number one and holding himself accountable?

Gary Vee acknowledges that being at the top comes with a lot of responsibility and accountability. He believes in being self-aware and not being delusional about his own shortcomings. He holds himself accountable by constantly learning and evolving, and he recognizes the importance of humility in his own success. He sees himself as a work in progress and is constantly seeking to improve himself.

Q: How does Gary Vee balance his confidence with knowing that he may not always be right?

Gary Vee acknowledges that he may not always be right, but he has confidence in what works for him. He believes in the power of self-awareness and has a deep understanding of himself. He wants to encourage others to find what works for them and not rely too much on the opinions of others. He believes that there is no one right way and that everyone should lean into their strengths and what makes them awesome.

Q: How does Gary Vee deal with people who criticize his message or style?

Gary Vee acknowledges that not everyone will resonate with his message or style. He sees the importance of a balance between humility and confidence, and he understands that some people may not like him. He focuses on delivering value and making a positive impact on those who connect with his content. He believes that everyone has their own unique strengths and perspectives and should focus on embracing and sharing that with the world.

Q: What is Gary Vee's recent focus in his content and message?

Gary Vee is putting more emphasis on providing context and clarity around his convictions and confidence. He wants to help people understand the importance of finding what works for themselves and not getting caught up in the opinions of others. He wants to push out more content that encourages people to embrace their strengths and be thoughtful about their own journey. He also wants to inspire more optimism and positivity in society.


Gary Vee emphasizes the importance of being self-aware, holding oneself accountable, and finding what works for oneself. He believes in the power of empathy, kindness, gratitude, and positivity. He encourages people to be thoughtful about their own journey and to not rely too much on the opinions of others. He sees the value in experimenting, learning from failures, and embracing creativity. He believes that everyone has their own unique strengths and should focus on being the best version of themselves.

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