Creating the Nobel Prize medal | Summary and Q&A

May 16, 2012
Nobel Prize
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Creating the Nobel Prize medal

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The Nobel medals have remained unchanged in design since 1901, with the exception of the Peace medal which is produced at the Royal Mint in Norway. The medals are created at the Swedish Mint, with each one being individually inscribed and plated with 24 karat gold. At the Nobel Prize award ceremony in Stockholm, the laureates receive their medals and diplomas from the King of Sweden, while in Oslo, the Peace Prize is presented by the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee in the presence of the King of Norway.

Questions & Answers

Q: How long have the Nobel medals had the same design?

The Nobel medals have had the same design since 1901, making them over a century old. They have become a symbol of excellence and achievement in various fields.

Q: What is different about the design of the Peace medal?

The Peace medal, unlike the other Nobel medals, is cast at the Royal Mint in Norway. This differentiation highlights the unique significance and emphasis given to the Nobel Prize for Peace.

Q: Where are the Nobel medals made?

The Swedish Mint is responsible for the production of the majority of the Nobel medals. Their expertise and precision ensure the high quality of each individual medal.

Q: What is the process involved in creating the Nobel medals?

Each Nobel medal is meticulously inscribed and plated with 24 karat gold. The inscriptions include the laureate's name, the year, and the specific category of the prize they have been awarded.

Q: Who presents the Nobel medals and diplomas to the laureates?

In Stockholm, the King of Sweden personally hands each laureate a diploma and a medal during the Nobel Prize award ceremony. This royal interaction adds to the prestige and honor associated with receiving a Nobel Prize.

Q: Where and by whom is the Peace Prize presented?

The Peace Prize is presented in Oslo by the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The ceremony is held in the presence of the King of Norway, who also contributes to the significance of the occasion.

Q: Are all the Nobel medals identical?

While the design remains consistent, each Nobel medal is individually inscribed during the production process. This customization adds a personal touch and uniqueness to every medal, celebrating the achievements of each laureate.

Q: What significance does the gold plating hold?

The gold plating of the Nobel medals symbolizes the value and worthiness of the laureates' contributions. It represents the highest level of recognition and pride associated with the Nobel Prize.

Q: How are the Nobel medals considered prestigious?

The nobility of the Nobel medals stems from the fact that they are awarded for exceptional achievements and advancements in various fields. The long history and tradition of the medals further enhance their prestige and importance.

Q: Why is the Nobel Prize a highly anticipated event?

The Nobel Prize award ceremony, with its regal presentations, represents a culmination of remarkable accomplishments. It is eagerly awaited by not only the laureates but also the global community, recognizing and celebrating the best of human achievements.


The Nobel medals have retained their design for over a century and are crafted with meticulous precision. From the gold plating to the individualized inscriptions, each medal represents a culmination of profound achievements. The royal presentations in Stockholm and Oslo further accentuate the prestige and significance associated with the Nobel Prize. The medals symbolize the highest form of recognition and serve as a symbol of excellence and contribution to humanity.

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