Corinne Foxx ON: Coping With Anxiety & Being Kind Even When Life Isn’t | Summary and Q&A

January 31, 2022
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Corinne Foxx ON: Coping With Anxiety & Being Kind Even When Life Isn’t

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In this video, Corinne Fox, an actress, producer, activist, and CEO, is interviewed about her experiences in the entertainment industry, her journey with mental health, and her strategies for self-care and personal growth. She discusses the importance of open communication with parents, the impact of validation on mental health, the challenges of balancing multiple roles and responsibilities, the value of therapy and life coaching, and the power of giving back. She also shares her personal journey with anxiety and offers advice for parents and individuals experiencing mental health issues.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Corinne handle her parents embarrassing her as a teenager?

Corinne had a yin-yang relationship with her dad, who was a performative and attention-seeking person. As a teenager, she found it embarrassing when he drew attention to himself, especially in public. However, she and her dad later turned those embarrassing moments into episodes for their Netflix series called "Dad Stop Embarrassing Me." Looking back, they were able to laugh at those moments and find catharsis in sharing their experiences.

Q: How did Corinne's dad's advice influence her confidence?

Corinne's dad always instilled in her a sense of confidence and empowerment. From a young age, he constantly told her that she could do anything and that she was capable. When faced with the challenge of a role that required swimming, despite not knowing how to swim, she heard her dad's voice in her head saying that she could do anything, and that gave her the confidence to figure it out and succeed.

Q: What role did therapy and life coaching play in Corinne's journey?

Therapy and life coaching have been crucial in Corinne's personal growth and well-being. She started therapy at the age of 14 when she was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and she has continued seeing the same therapist. Therapy has helped her address trauma, emotional states, and various challenges. She started working with a life coach more recently to help her prioritize her many roles and responsibilities, establish structure and deadlines, and create a balance in her life. Both therapy and life coaching have contributed to her overall mental health and overall well-being.

Q: How did Corinne overcome feeling embarrassed about her anxiety disorder and being open about it?

Initially, Corinne felt ashamed and didn't want to talk about her anxiety disorder because mental health wasn't widely discussed or accepted at the time. However, as she grew older and saw the importance of raising awareness and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, she found the courage to speak openly about her experiences. She wrote an article for Refinery29 and shared her story, which was a significant step in overcoming her fear and helping others by sharing her journey.

Q: What advice does Corinne have for parents supporting a child with anxiety?

Corinne advises parents to listen to their children, honor their needs, and create a safe space for open communication. Each child is different, so understanding their unique experiences and providing support accordingly is crucial. She also emphasizes the importance of not downplaying or dismissing their child's emotions by saying things like "that's normal" or "everyone feels that way." Validating their child's reality and emotions is essential for their mental well-being.

Q: How did Corinne develop her guide to wellness?

Corinne's guide to wellness was developed over time as she discovered strategies that worked for her mental health. She started creating a list in her phone of activities and practices that made her feel better, from exercising and therapy to journaling and meditation. The guide is meant to be a reference for moments when she needs to remind herself of the tools and practices that help her during times of anxiety or distress.

Q: What impact has giving back had on Corinne's mental health?

Giving back has been a significant part of Corinne's mental health journey and personal growth. She has volunteered at a local homeless shelter, and now, as an ambassador for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and through her advocacy work, she has been able to give back on a larger scale. Thinking outside of herself and focusing on others alleviates the negative thought patterns and self-centeredness that often come with anxiety or depression. It provides her with a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Q: How did Corinne view her journey from experiencing anxiety to becoming an activist?

Corinne views her journey as transformative and meaningful. Overcoming anxiety and panic attacks to reach a point where she stands before Congress as an activist for mental health was a powerful moment. She felt that every anxious moment she had experienced along the way was worth it. It validated her journey and gave her a sense of purpose, knowing that she was making a difference.

Q: How do parents help their children with anxiety without forcing them?

It is important for parents to listen to their children and respect their boundaries when it comes to seeking help for anxiety. Forcing a child into therapy or any other form of support when they are not ready may backfire and create a negative association with seeking help. Providing a safe and non-judgmental space for children to express their needs and honoring their process is crucial. It's also important to explore different outlets for anxiety and find what works best for the individual, whether it's therapy, journaling, music, or other coping mechanisms.

Q: How has spirituality played a role in Corinne's mental health journey?

Corinne's exposure to spirituality, particularly through her experiences with Agape, has contributed to her mental health toolkit. Meditation, connecting with a higher power or source, and finding meaning in life have been significant components of her spirituality. This practice of connecting with something beyond herself has provided her with relief and a sense of purpose.


Corinne's interview sheds light on various aspects of her journey, mental health, and strategies for well-being. Open communication, validation, and listening are crucial for parents supporting children with anxiety. Balancing multiple roles and responsibilities can be challenging, and seeking therapy and life coaching can provide structure, prioritization, and overall well-being. Creating a guide to wellness with activities that work for individuals during challenging times is valuable. Giving back provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment, while spirituality and connecting with something beyond oneself can offer relief and a greater understanding of meaning in life.

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