Blippar Is Building a Wikipedia of the Physical World | Summary and Q&A

December 9, 2015
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Blippar Is Building a Wikipedia of the Physical World

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In this video, Ambarish Mitra, the founder and CEO of Blippar, showcases their augmented reality technology and visual search engine. He explains how Blippar started as a visual browser for branded objects and has now evolved into a true visual search engine that can provide instant information about any object in the physical world. Ambarish also discusses the potential use cases and business opportunities that this technology presents, as well as his thoughts on other augmented reality companies and the future of augmented reality.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Blippar's vision?

Blippar's vision is to give people more from the world they see. They aim to provide additional information and experiences about everyday objects through augmented reality and visual search.

Q: How does Blippar's visual browser work?

Blippar's visual browser recognizes branded objects and provides instantaneous content related to the object. For example, when you point your phone at a Coca-Cola can, it would convert into a media player with a free daily track from Spotify.

Q: What was missing in Blippar's initial business model?

Blippar realized that they needed a consumer proposition in addition to their brand marketing experience. They developed a deep learning engine over the last two years to process billions of images and brand partnerships, leading to the creation of a true visual search engine.

Q: How does Blippar's visual search engine work?

Blippar's visual search engine can recognize and provide information about most things it sees in the world. It works in real-time without storing images in a database and can be described as a Wikipedia of the physical world with value-added content. It organizes 70% of the physical world's information and provides instant information and experiences through the Blippar app.

Q: Can Blippar's visual search engine recognize any object?

Blippar's visual search engine can recognize a wide range of objects, including static objects, people, and animals. It can work on every living creature and is not restricted to specific categories.

Q: How does Blippar's visual search engine improve over time?

Blippar's visual search engine continues to improve and become more intelligent over time. Currently, it is like a six-year-old in terms of intelligence, but with the input and usage of hundreds of millions of users over the next six to seven months, it will become more advanced and accurate in recognizing specific details about objects.

Q: How can Blippar's visual search engine be beneficial to users?

Blippar's visual search engine can provide users with instant information about everyday objects, such as where to buy a particular item or the meaning of a word. It can also allow users to add their own content and recipes related to objects. Additionally, it can provide information about movies, events, and conferences based on location.

Q: How can Blippar's visual search engine benefit people with limited literacy or language abilities?

Blippar's visual search engine can provide information and experiences to people who may not be able to read or write effectively. It offers a more accessible way to access information using visual cues rather than relying solely on text-based search engines.

Q: How does Blippar plan to monetize their visual search engine?

Blippar's business model involves making advertising and the branded world more interactive with augmented reality. Advertisers have the opportunity to target users based on their visual interests, which can be determined from their interactions with objects through the Blippar app.

Q: What sets Blippar apart from other augmented reality companies?

Blippar's focus on building one universal browser sets them apart from other augmented reality companies. While others may focus on building apps for third parties or specific use cases, Blippar aims to be the one browser for augmented reality content. They believe their business model and vision align with the broader trend of augmented reality becoming more integrated into everyday experiences.

Q: What are Ambarish Mitra's thoughts on other augmented reality companies?

Ambarish believes that both Magic Leap and HoloLens are incredible hardware research companies. He sees Magic Leap having the potential to be a bigger consumer business, while HoloLens may dominate the enterprise space. He mentions that both companies have unique strengths and opportunities in the evolving augmented reality market.


Blippar's visual search engine technology has the potential to provide users with instant information and experiences about everyday objects through augmented reality. Their focus on building one universal browser and their business model of making advertising more interactive presents unique opportunities in the augmented reality space. While there are other players in the market, Blippar's deep learning capabilities and their vision for the future of augmented reality set them apart. The future of augmented reality looks promising, with the technology becoming more integrated into our everyday lives and offering new ways to access information and interact with the physical world.

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