Amy Cuddy on how body language can change your future | Summary and Q&A

December 17, 2015
Harvard University
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Amy Cuddy on how body language can change your future

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In this TED talk, the speaker discusses the power of posture and its impact on a person's presence. She recounts the various challenges shared by individuals of all ages and backgrounds, from job interviews to bullying incidents. The speaker highlights that changing one's posture can lead to a more confident and present demeanor, which is essential in high-pressure situations. She emphasizes that presence is not a distant goal but something that can be achieved with small steps, such as expanding one's body language. By doing so, individuals can feel stronger, more confident, and open to others. The speaker encourages practicing presence gradually, particularly in challenging situations, to trick the brain into feeling safe and confident.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker discover the broader applications of body language research?

The speaker received feedback from thousands of people worldwide after giving her TED talk on powerful posture. People of all ages and from over 100 countries shared their challenges, ranging from job interviews to bullying incidents and patients' conversations with doctors. This multitude of experiences revealed the potential applications of body language research beyond what the speaker initially expected.

Q: What changes did the speaker observe in individuals after adopting expansive postures?

The speaker noticed that individuals who adopted expansive postures exhibited more presence in their behavior. Being present means projecting qualities like confidence without arrogance. Interestingly, it wasn't that these individuals sounded smarter or spoke differently, but their actions carried more weight and authenticity. When someone is present, they tap into their authentic self and bring forth their best qualities, knowledge, and expertise, particularly in high-pressure situations.

Q: How can someone attain presence in their life?

The speaker suggests that attaining presence should not be seen as a distant goal but as something achievable in the near future. It is not a New Year's resolution but rather a skill that can be developed starting the next day. The speaker explains that presence can be accessed through the body by opening it up and expanding it. This physical transformation allows individuals to feel strong, confident, and more receptive to others. By changing body language, which is closely linked to our thoughts, emotions, and temporary states, one can nudge themselves slowly towards being more present.

Q: Why is it challenging for people to change their thought cycle?

Changing one's thought cycle can be difficult because thoughts are deeply ingrained and closely connected to our emotions and temporary states. It is challenging to think ourselves out of a bad thought cycle, but the speaker suggests that changing body language can help. Since body language and mindset are intertwined, altering our physical posture can have a positive impact on our thoughts and emotions, making it easier to break free from negative thought patterns.

Q: How can the process of becoming more present be facilitated?

The speaker advises taking small steps towards being more present in challenging situations. For example, when facing a test, giving a speech, going on a job interview, pitching an idea, or having a difficult conversation, individuals can try to be a little more present each time. With practice, becoming more present becomes easier and gradually tricks the brain into feeling safe, comfortable, and confident, allowing individuals to be fully in the moment.

Q: What are the benefits of being present in high-pressure situations?

Being present in high-pressure situations offers several benefits. It allows individuals to access their authentic self and bring forth their best qualities. This includes knowledge, expertise, and the ability to stay composed and confident. Being present also creates a sense of trust and credibility in others. It helps individuals establish a genuine connection and effectively communicate their ideas.

Q: Can presence be maintained consistently or only in specific situations?

While presence can initially be challenging to maintain consistently, its practice in specific situations can gradually expand to other areas of life. By consciously trying to be present in challenging situations, individuals develop the skills and habits necessary to cultivate a continuous state of presence. It becomes a gradual process where being present in one scenario makes it easier to achieve presence in other areas of life.

Q: How does body language affect our mental state?

Body language and our mental state are closely connected. Our posture, gestures, and facial expressions are a reflection of our thoughts, emotions, and temporary states. Negatively skewed body language often reinforces negative thought patterns and emotions. On the other hand, adopting expansive postures provides a physical foundation for more positive thoughts and emotions. By changing our body language, we can positively influence our mental state and create a more present and confident mindset.

Q: Is presence solely about projecting confidence?

No, presence is not solely about projecting confidence. It is about understanding and accessing one's authentic self. Presence allows individuals to demonstrate their best qualities, knowledge, and expertise when needed, such as in high-pressure situations. While confidence is a characteristic associated with presence, true presence also encompasses other qualities, including authenticity, credibility, composure, and the ability to connect with others genuinely.

Q: How can presence positively impact interpersonal relationships?

Presence positively impacts interpersonal relationships by fostering trust, openness, and genuine connections. When individuals are fully present, it allows them to actively listen and engage with others. This creates an environment of understanding and empathy, as people feel heard and validated. Additionally, being present enables individuals to express themselves authentically, which encourages openness and meaningful dialogue.


The speaker's talk highlights the power of posture and its impact on presence. By consciously changing our body language and adopting expansive postures, we can tap into our authentic selves and project qualities like confidence without arrogance. Being present not only benefits ourselves but also positively influences our interactions with others. Gradually practicing presence in high-pressure situations can lead to a more confident and genuine presence in various aspects of life. It is a continuous process that gradually tricks the brain into feeling safe, comfortable, and confident, allowing individuals to fully live in the present moment.

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