Alain Aspect: “The conclusion is, yes, quantum mechanics resists all possible attacks!” | Summary and Q&A

October 4, 2022
Nobel Prize Conversations
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Alain Aspect: “The conclusion is, yes, quantum mechanics resists all possible attacks!”

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In this video, Alan Aspect, a physicist and Nobel laureate, discusses his reaction to receiving the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum entanglement. He talks about the historical significance of the prize and the international effort that goes into scientific research. He also delves into the weirdness of quantum mechanics and the concept of non-locality. Aspect emphasizes the importance of challenging established beliefs and giving credit to Albert Einstein for raising important questions about entanglement. He also shares how his voluntary service overseas in Cameroon helped deepen his understanding of quantum mechanics.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Alan Aspect receive the news of winning the Nobel Prize?

Alan Aspect says it was a surprise because there are many outstanding physicists who deserve the prize. He mentions that it comes as part of a lineage of prizes in quantum mechanics that started 90 years ago.

Q: What does Alan Aspect think about his work being in the same league as the great physicists who have changed physics?

Alan Aspect expresses his pride in being considered in the same league as the great physicists who have made significant contributions to the field. He acknowledges that he is not at the same level as them, but he believes his work adds to the robustness of quantum mechanics.

Q: What does Alan Aspect's experiment testing Bell's inequalities conclude about quantum mechanics?

Alan Aspect's experiment finds that quantum mechanics resists all possible attacks and that there is no limit to quantum mechanics. He finds it extraordinary that quantum mechanics remains consistent and unbroken even under intense scrutiny.

Q: How does the international nature of the Nobel Prize reflect the efforts of scientists?

Alan Aspect highlights the importance of scientists maintaining an international community despite the rise of nationalism in many countries. The fact that the Nobel Prize has recipients from Vienna, France, and the U.S. shows the global effort that goes into scientific research.

Q: What does Alan Aspect find weird about quantum entanglement?

Alan Aspect finds quantum entanglement to be incredibly weird. He mentions that accepting the non-locality of entanglement is crucial for him to visualize the phenomenon, even though he knows it doesn't allow for faster-than-light communication.

Q: How does Alan Aspect view the debates between Einstein and Bohr?

Alan Aspect acknowledges the historical significance of the debates between Einstein and Bohr. He emphasizes that while his work on entanglement settled the debates in favor of Bohr, he believes Einstein deserves credit for raising the questions and challenging established beliefs.

Q: How did Alan Aspect's voluntary service overseas in Cameroon influence his understanding of quantum mechanics?

Alan Aspect explains that during his three years of voluntary service in Cameroon, he had ample time to study quantum mechanics using the modern formalism presented in Claude Cohen-Tannoudji's book. This period of self-study helped him gain a deeper understanding of the subject and prepared him to comprehend important papers, such as John Bell's work on entanglement.

Q: How does Alan Aspect feel about all the attention focused on him now?

Alan Aspect mentions the need to go to a different phone and expresses gratitude for the interviewer taking the time to talk to him. He indicates that he is happy about the attention but also implies that it can be overwhelming.

Q: What lesson can be learned from Alan Aspect's experience in Cameroon?

Alan Aspect emphasizes the importance of taking time for reflection and self-study. His experience in Cameroon taught him the value of deepening his knowledge and understanding before diving into complex topics like quantum mechanics.

Q: Where can listeners find more episodes related to Nobel Prize origin stories?

The video mentions another special episode on Nobel Prize origin stories, featuring clips of laureates recalling formative moments. The episode can be found on acast or wherever podcasts are available.


Alan Aspect's journey in quantum mechanics and his pioneering work on entanglement highlight the historical significance of the field. His humility in acknowledging the contributions of other physicists, like Einstein, emphasizes the collaborative nature of scientific progress. The international effort involved in the Nobel Prize and the importance of maintaining an international community of scientists also become evident. Furthermore, Aspect's experience in Cameroon serves as a reminder of the value of self-study and reflection in deepening one's understanding of complex subjects.

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