10X Growth Con 2020 Speakers Entrance: John Travolta | Summary and Q&A

September 3, 2020
Grant Cardone
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10X Growth Con 2020 Speakers Entrance: John Travolta


John Travolta reflects on his big breakthrough and shares the key to his 50-year successful career in entertainment.

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Questions & Answers

Q: What was John Travolta's big breakthrough?

Travolta sees his breakthrough as a young actor who was able to make a living doing what he loved - singing, dancing, and acting - even if the pay wasn't substantial. He found happiness in being able to support himself doing what he enjoyed.

Q: How big of a hit was "Welcome Back Kotter"?

During its time, "Welcome Back Kotter" was a massive hit with 40 to 50 million people tuning in each week. This level of viewership was possible because there were only three channels at the time, enabling quick fame and recognition for Travolta.

Q: What was John Travolta's character in "Welcome Back Kotter"?

Travolta portrayed Vinnie Barbarino, a student in the TV show. He envied the relationship his character had with the teacher, Kotter, who made learning fun.

Q: How has Travolta maintained a successful career for over 40 years?

Travolta attributes his longevity in the industry to his unwavering commitment to projects that genuinely interest and excite him. He stays true to his own feelings about acting, singing, dancing, and even his passion for flying aircraft. He is willing to sacrifice and be patient to ensure he makes the right choices.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • John Travolta recounts his early breakthrough as a young actor, where he found happiness in being paid for singing, dancing, and acting.

  • The TV show "Welcome Back Kotter" marked Travolta's first major break in terms of fame, with millions of viewers tuning in every week.

  • Travolta credits his long-lasting success to always pursuing projects he is genuinely passionate about and being patient for the right opportunities.

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