Ramona Pierson: An unexpected place of healing | Summary and Q&A

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Ramona Pierson: An unexpected place of healing


In this inspiring content, the narrator shares their journey of surviving a life-changing accident and finding support through radical collaboration.

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Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker's life change when they were 22 years old?

The speaker's life changed when they were 22 years old after being hit by a car while out on a run with their dog. They suffered severe injuries including a sliced open throat and blunt chest trauma. They ended up in a coma for 18 months and woke up blind, unable to speak or walk, and weighing only 64 pounds.

Q: How did the senior citizens' home help the speaker in their recovery?

The senior citizens' home played a pivotal role in the speaker's recovery. The senior citizens used their skills and talents to assist the speaker in various ways. They helped the speaker learn how to eat again, provided furniture and essentials for their apartment, and even gave the speaker a makeover. Additionally, they taught the speaker how to speak and write, and raised funds for them to gain skills as a blind person and acquire a guide dog.

Q: How did the speaker regain their sight?

The speaker regained their sight by opting in for three surgeries, one of which was experimental and involved robotic surgery to remove a hematoma from behind their eye. After the surgeries, the speaker was able to see again, and this led to a major change in their perception of the world, as they now saw innovations such as cellphones and laptops that had been developed during the ten years they were blind.

Q: How did the speaker feel when they realized they had lost 10 years of their life?

When the speaker looked down at their hands and saw the changes that had occurred during the ten years they were blind, they felt shocked and realized that time had not stood still for them. They were initially under the impression that time had only moved on for their family and friends, but seeing the physical changes made them realize they needed to catch up and move forward with their life.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares a personal story of a life-changing accident at 22 years old, where they were hit by a car and left blind, unable to speak or walk.

  • Strangers intervened and saved their life, leading to numerous surgeries and rehabilitation efforts to regain their independence and physical abilities.

  • The speaker credits the support and wisdom of the senior citizens at a senior home who helped them relearn basic skills, obtain a guide dog, return to college, and eventually regain their sight. This experience highlights the power of collaboration and support in overcoming obstacles.

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