Developing Communities: The Power of Affordable Housing with Brandon Rule | Summary and Q&A

December 8, 2023
Earn Your Leisure
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Developing Communities: The Power of Affordable Housing with Brandon Rule


The speaker discusses their decision to focus on community real estate and the transition to commercial real estate, emphasizing the importance of balancing profit and passion.

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Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the speaker choose to focus on community real estate rather than commercial real estate in the beginning?

The speaker started with community development because they wanted to make a difference in their own neighborhood and combat gentrification. It was a personal and passionate choice for them.

Q: What is the difference between community development and commercial real estate?

Community development focuses on making a positive impact and may have smaller profit margins. Commercial real estate is primarily driven by profit and transactions. Both have their place, but it is important to strike a balance.

Q: Can the model of combining a grocery store and affordable housing be replicated in other disenfranchised neighborhoods?

Yes, the speaker believes there is a model for this. It is essential to start by understanding development and finding an area with existing connectivity and potential for growth. Building in the fringes of a community can also allow for alignment with other catalytic developments.

Q: How does the speaker handle the challenge of gentrification while engaging in community development?

The speaker believes that gentrification isn't inherently bad, but displacement is. They aim to build and develop in their communities without displacing the people within it. The goal is to spread healthy development from more prosperous areas to other parts of the community.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker chose to focus on community development in their early deals because they wanted to make a positive impact in their own neighborhood facing gentrification.

  • They explain the difference between community development and commercial real estate, highlighting the importance of profit and the challenge of building a business solely around community development.

  • The speaker is now transitioning into commercial real estate while still incorporating community development aspects, particularly through master plans.

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