TO BATTLE A BEAST YOU MUST FIRST BECOME ONE. - Motivational Speech | Summary and Q&A

February 7, 2022
Absolute Motivation
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Don't be afraid of hard work and embrace the struggles in life, as they shape you and lead to true success and fulfillment.

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Questions & Answers

Q: How can I differentiate between passion and obsession?

Passion is what encourages others and makes them excited for you, while obsession can seem irrational and out of control to others. Passion comes from within, while obsession often stems from external pressure or a need for perfection.

Q: What is the key to pursuing your dreams?

The key is to have a deep love and passion for what you want to achieve. If it's truly your purpose, you should be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen, whether it's learning new skills or putting in extra effort.

Q: Why is it important to embrace hardship and struggle?

Hardship and struggle shape you into a stronger and more resilient person. They provide the necessary skills and experiences that ultimately lead to greatness and fulfillment in life.

Q: How does quitting limit personal growth?

When you quit, your mind becomes stagnant and doesn't expand. By pushing through the hardships and refusing to give up, you force your mind to find new solutions and grow in ways you never thought possible.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Focus on your own journey and don't let outside distractions affect your goals and actions.

  • Passion and obsession are different; passion garners support, while obsession is seen as crazy.

  • Pursue your dreams even if no one else believes in them, and be willing to put in the hard work necessary for success.

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