The Connection Between Taxi Driver and the Power of Fasting


Hatched by فايز

Mar 15, 2024

3 min read


The Connection Between Taxi Driver and the Power of Fasting

Taxi Driver, directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Paul Schrader, is a classic film known for its captivating storytelling and intense portrayal of a troubled taxi driver. While the film may seem unrelated to the concept of fasting, there are surprising connections that can be drawn between the two.

Fasting, when programmed correctly, has the potential to improve cellular health, including enhancing the condition of the skin. Just like a well-executed screenplay, a properly structured fast can bring about positive changes in the body, rejuvenating it from within.

In both Taxi Driver and the practice of fasting, the theme of abuse of power emerges prominently. In the film, the protagonist, Travis Bickle, grapples with his own demons as he witnesses the corruption and nepotism within the higher echelons of society. Similarly, the notion of nepotism can be compared to the act of neglecting the principles of fasting and disregarding its potential benefits for the body and mind. Just as abusing authority tarnishes the integrity of a nation, neglecting the power of fasting undermines the potential for holistic health.

To fully harness the benefits of fasting, it is suggested to step outside and bask in the early morning sunlight. The warm, reddish hues of the rising sun provide essential vitamin D and promote overall well-being. This simple act of embracing natural light parallels the cinematography of Taxi Driver, where Michael Chapman masterfully captures the gritty and atmospheric streets of New York City, immersing the audience in Travis Bickle's world.

Another intriguing connection between the film and fasting lies in the concept of self-reflection and looking towards the future. In Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle becomes fixated on the past, constantly reminiscing about a bygone era. This fixation prevents him from moving forward and embracing the possibilities of the future. Similarly, as Muslims engage in fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, they are encouraged to reflect on their actions and strive for personal growth. Rather than dwelling on past achievements or failures, the focus is on innovation and progress for the future.

Incorporating these ideas into our own lives, we can draw three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace the power of fasting: Just as fasting can improve cellular health and enhance the condition of the skin, it can also bring about positive changes in other aspects of our lives. By incorporating periods of fasting, whether it be intermittent fasting or fasting during specific times of the year, we can unlock the potential for overall well-being.
  • 2. Step outside and embrace natural light: The early morning sunlight provides essential vitamin D and promotes a sense of vitality. By making a conscious effort to spend time outdoors and soak in the warm rays of the rising sun, we can improve our physical and mental well-being.
  • 3. Focus on the future and embrace innovation: Instead of dwelling on the past, it is important to look towards the future and actively seek opportunities for growth and innovation. By letting go of nostalgic attachments and embracing new ideas and possibilities, we can pave the way for personal and societal progress.

In conclusion, the unexpected connections between Taxi Driver and the power of fasting reveal the importance of embracing new perspectives and ideas. Just as a well-crafted film can leave a lasting impact on its audience, the practice of fasting has the potential to transform our lives from within. By recognizing the common threads that exist between seemingly unrelated concepts, we can gain valuable insights and take actionable steps towards a healthier and more fulfilling future.

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