The Impact of the Cipta Kerja Law on Workers and the Role of Good Will Hunting in Inspiring Change


Hatched by فايز

Mar 17, 2024

3 min read


The Impact of the Cipta Kerja Law on Workers and the Role of Good Will Hunting in Inspiring Change


The Cipta Kerja Law, officially approved by the Indonesian government on October 5, 2020, has been a subject of controversy. While the government claims that this law is aimed at improving the welfare of workers and attracting investors, many labor groups argue that it only benefits the capitalists and fails to address crucial issues such as wage regulations and long-term leave. In this article, we will explore the impact of the Cipta Kerja Law on workers and how its implementation has raised concerns about workers' welfare. Additionally, we will draw inspiration from the movie "Good Will Hunting" and discuss how it can inspire change and empower workers.

The Cipta Kerja Law: A Threat to Workers' Welfare:

Critics argue that the Cipta Kerja Law fails to prioritize workers' welfare and instead focuses on appeasing investors. The absence of clear regulations on wage systems and long-term leave raises concerns about the precarious position of workers. This perception is shared by the public, who believe that the law does not align with the goal of worker prosperity and perpetuates their subordination. Experts also support this viewpoint, emphasizing that the Cipta Kerja Law primarily benefits capitalists and serves as a tool to attract investment rather than prioritize workers' rights.

The Role of Good Will Hunting in Inspiring Change:

While the Cipta Kerja Law presents challenges for workers, we can draw inspiration from the movie "Good Will Hunting" to empower them and advocate for change. The film, directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, highlights the importance of education, self-discovery, and challenging societal norms. By showcasing the transformative journey of the main character, Will Hunting, who overcomes his troubled past and harnesses his intellectual potential, the movie encourages individuals to recognize their worth and fight for their rights.

Lessons from "Good Will Hunting" for Workers:

  • 1. Education as a Tool for Empowerment: In the movie, Will Hunting's hidden genius is discovered by a professor who recognizes his potential. This serves as a reminder for workers to invest in education and skills development to enhance their value in the job market. By continuously learning and expanding their knowledge, workers can increase their bargaining power and demand fair treatment.
  • 2. Challenging the Status Quo: Will Hunting challenges societal norms and questions the established systems. Similarly, workers should not be afraid to challenge unfair labor practices and advocate for their rights. By voicing their concerns and organizing in unions or labor movements, workers can push for change and address the issues raised by the Cipta Kerja Law.
  • 3. Building Supportive Networks: In "Good Will Hunting," Will finds support and guidance from a therapist played by Robin Williams. This highlights the importance of building networks and seeking solidarity among workers. By joining forces and supporting one another, workers can create a collective voice that demands fair treatment and meaningful change.


The implementation of the Cipta Kerja Law has raised concerns about workers' welfare, with critics arguing that it primarily benefits capitalists and fails to address crucial issues. However, by drawing inspiration from the movie "Good Will Hunting," workers can empower themselves and advocate for change. Education, challenging the status quo, and building supportive networks are actionable steps that can help workers navigate the challenges posed by the Cipta Kerja Law and fight for their rights. By recognizing their worth and coming together, workers can create a future where their welfare is prioritized and their voices are heard.

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