Achieving Great Work: Combining Curiosity, Effort, and Originality



Jul 24, 20234 min read


Achieving Great Work: Combining Curiosity, Effort, and Originality


Doing great work is a goal that many individuals strive to achieve. Whether it is in the field of science, research, or any other profession, the desire to make a significant impact drives individuals to push themselves beyond their limits. In this article, we will explore the common points between two influential pieces on achieving greatness: "How to Do Great Work" and "You and Your Research". By combining insights from both articles, we will uncover actionable advice that can help individuals embark on a journey towards achieving greatness in their chosen fields.

1. Follow Your Curiosity:

One of the key points emphasized in both articles is the importance of curiosity. Curiosity is the fuel that drives individuals to explore new ideas and pursue their passions. According to "How to Do Great Work", finding something that you are excessively curious about is crucial. This curiosity should be to a degree that would bore most other people. Similarly, "You and Your Research" highlights the significance of independent thoughts and having the courage to pursue them. By following your curiosity and exploring ideas that others may overlook, you increase your chances of uncovering groundbreaking discoveries.

Actionable Advice:

  • a. Identify what truly excites and interests you. What subjects or ideas do you find yourself constantly drawn to? These are the areas where you should focus your efforts.
  • b. Be open to exploring connections between different fields. Look for opportunities to merge your passions and interests to create something unique.
  • c. Embrace outlier ideas and pursue them, even if they are not initially popular. Trust your expertise and intuition, and don't be afraid to challenge conventional wisdom.

2. Cultivate Effort and Ambition:

Both articles stress the importance of hard work, effort, and ambition in achieving great work. "You and Your Research" emphasizes the value of patience and persistence, highlighting that great work often requires a depth-first search approach. This means staying committed to a problem or idea, even when faced with setbacks or challenges. On the other hand, "How to Do Great Work" suggests that working diligently on exciting and ambitious projects is the recipe for success. The combination of curiosity, delight, and the desire to do something impressive can drive individuals to work harder and achieve greatness.

Actionable Advice:

  • a. Develop a strong work ethic and commit to working consistently on projects that excite you. Find joy in the process, even when faced with tedious or challenging tasks.
  • b. Embrace setbacks and view them as opportunities for growth. Learn from your mistakes and adapt your approach to overcome obstacles.
  • c. Stay focused on what genuinely interests you and avoid getting caught up in planning too much. Take action and pursue projects that offer the best options for your future.

3. Embrace Originality and Collaboration:

Both articles highlight the importance of originality and collaboration in achieving great work. "You and Your Research" emphasizes the value of original thinking and encourages individuals to throw off new ideas. Furthermore, the article suggests that exposing questions others can answer or creating ideas that others can build upon are signs of great work. Similarly, "How to Do Great Work" emphasizes the need to work with the system and take advantage of the opportunities it offers. It suggests that by presenting your work effectively and collaborating with others, you increase the chances of making an impact.

Actionable Advice:

  • a. Foster a habit of original thinking by actively seeking out new ideas and perspectives. Engage in conversations, write about your interests, and ask thought-provoking questions.
  • b. Seek collaboration with like-minded individuals who challenge and inspire you. Surround yourself with colleagues who offer surprising insights and bring diverse perspectives to the table.
  • c. Learn to effectively communicate your ideas and work. Present your findings in a clear and compelling manner, both in formal and informal settings. Be open to feedback and use it to improve your work.


Achieving great work requires a combination of curiosity, effort, and originality. By following your curiosity, embracing hard work and ambition, and fostering collaboration, you can embark on a journey towards greatness in your chosen field. Remember, great work is not just about the end result, but also about the struggle and growth that comes with it. Stay committed, stay curious, and never stop pushing the boundaries of what is possible.


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