Resolving and Coherence: Achieving Clarity and Unity in Life


Hatched by عبدالله

Jun 12, 2024

3 min read


Resolving and Coherence: Achieving Clarity and Unity in Life


In our journey through life, we often encounter challenges and uncertainties that call for resolution and coherence. Resolving conflicts, finding solutions, and making clear decisions are essential for personal growth and a sense of purpose. Similarly, coherence allows us to bring together diverse elements into a unified whole, enabling us to function effectively and achieve our goals. Let's explore how resolution and coherence intersect in our lives and how we can harness their power to create a fulfilling and harmonious existence.

Resolving Conflicts and Finding Solutions:

Resolving conflicts is an integral part of human interaction. Whether it's a disagreement with a loved one or a professional dispute, conflicts can hinder our progress and strain relationships. However, when we are resolved to find a solution, we can effectively address the issue at hand and restore harmony.

Take, for example, a committee facing a decision-making deadlock. By being resolved on finding common ground and considering diverse perspectives, the committee can transcend their conflicts and reach a resolution that benefits everyone involved. This resolution not only resolves doubts but also paves the way for future progress and growth.

Similarly, in our personal lives, being resolved on leaving a toxic environment or relationship can be a transformative decision. By making this resolution clearly visible, we empower ourselves to take the necessary steps towards a healthier and happier future. Quitting smoking, for instance, requires a deep resolve to overcome addiction and prioritize our well-being. Through sheer determination and perseverance, we can resolve to quit smoking and regain control over our health and lives.

Coherence: Bringing Together the Pieces:

While resolution focuses on resolving conflicts and making decisions, coherence encompasses the ability to bring together diverse elements into a unified whole. A coherent individual or group is one that functions effectively, with a clear sense of purpose and direction.

Imagine a team working towards a common goal. For the team to be coherent, each member must contribute their unique skills and perspectives, aligning their efforts to create a cohesive and high-performing unit. This coherence allows the team to function effectively, overcome obstacles, and achieve their objectives.

Similarly, an individual's coherence is crucial for personal growth and success. When we are too ill or overwhelmed to have any idea about our goals, it becomes difficult to move forward. However, by focusing on our well-being and regaining coherence within ourselves, we can gradually gain clarity and direction. It is essential to take the time to reflect, reassess our priorities, and align our actions with our values to achieve coherence in our lives.

Actionable Advice:

1. Reflect and Assess:

Take regular moments of introspection to reflect on your current situation and assess any conflicts or areas of incoherence. This self-awareness will help you identify areas that require resolution and coherence, enabling you to take proactive steps towards growth and harmony.

2. Seek Mediation:

In situations of conflict, consider seeking mediation or involving a neutral third party to facilitate resolution. Mediators can provide valuable insights and help navigate complex emotions, leading to a more constructive and mutually beneficial solution.

3. Cultivate Self-Compassion:

Coherence within ourselves begins with self-compassion. Be kind to yourself and practice self-care regularly. When we prioritize our well-being, we create a foundation of coherence that allows us to navigate challenges and make decisions with clarity and purpose.


In our pursuit of a fulfilling and harmonious life, resolution and coherence play vital roles. By resolving conflicts, making clear decisions, and finding solutions, we can overcome obstacles and foster growth. Simultaneously, by cultivating coherence within ourselves and our relationships, we can function effectively and achieve our goals. Remember to reflect, seek mediation when necessary, and practice self-compassion as you embark on your journey towards resolution and coherence.

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