Why Do We Wear Clothes? | Summary and Q&A

March 14, 2013
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Why Do We Wear Clothes?


Humans wear clothing due to protection, fashion, and modesty, which is linked to our social nature and desire to be liked by others.

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Key Insights

  • 📏 Embarrassment is a social emotion that promotes cooperation and adherence to social rules.
  • 🛀 Clothing has been used for protection, fashion, and showing off wealth or status throughout human history.
  • 😨 Modesty, the fear of being naked, is a unique trait amongst humans and may have evolved as a means of selective breeding and prioritizing child-rearing.


Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. Why do humans wear clothing? Sure, we need it for protection from the elements and fashion, to show our personalities, but no other animal makes and wears clothing. More importantly, why do we feel embarrassed to be naked around other people? The word "embarrassed" comes from the Portuguese route, "embaraça", which means... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do humans wear clothing?

Humans wear clothing for various reasons, such as protection from the elements, fashion to express personality, and to show off wealth or status. Additionally, modesty, the fear of being naked, is a significant factor behind the use of clothing.

Q: Why are humans embarrassed to be naked?

Embarrassment is a social emotion that evolved to promote cooperation. Feeling embarrassed when violating social rules helps us live together better. The fear of being judged or ostracized by others contributes to the embarrassment of being naked.

Q: How is modesty related to breeding and mate selection?

Modesty, expressed through clothing, can make individuals less available to potential mates, leading to more selective breeding. It serves as a way to attract attention to one's body while simultaneously covering it, making individuals more desirable to specific partners.

Q: Why do human babies require more care and development time?

Human babies are born in a relatively underdeveloped state compared to other animals. This is because humans have large brains compared to their body size. To have such large brains, babies need more time to develop before being able to function independently.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Clothing has been around for at least 100,000 years and serves multiple purposes, including protection, fashion, and showing off wealth or status.

  • Modesty, the fear of being naked, is a unique trait amongst humans and is connected to embarrassment, a social emotion that promotes cooperation.

  • Embarrassment is a sign of a healthy brain and is influenced by our desire to fit in and be liked by others.

  • Modesty may have evolved as a means of making humans less available to potential mates, promoting selective breeding and raising children.

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