Why Are We Ticklish? Why do We Laugh? | Summary and Q&A

April 22, 2012
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Why Are We Ticklish? Why do We Laugh?


Humor is a result of incongruity and surprises that defy our expectations, leading to laughter. Laughter develops social bonds and teaches us valuable defensive skills.

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Key Insights

  • 😮 Humor is a result of incongruity and surprises that deviate from our expectations.
  • ❓ Laughter is a social behavior that strengthens social bonds and reinforces positive interactions.
  • 💨 Tickling may have evolved as a way to teach children defensive behaviors.


Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. And today we're going to talk about humor, comedy. What makes something funny and when something's funny, why do we laugh? What's the purpose of laughing and why do we laugh when we're tickled? Well, people study this. They're called gelotologists and we don't have all the answers yet, but what we do know is that you are ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are we more likely to laugh when others are around?

Laughing is a social behavior that helps strengthen social bonds and creates a sense of shared understanding and enjoyment. When others are present, laughter can be contagious and reinforce positive interactions.

Q: Do babies laugh before they learn to speak?

Yes, babies start laughing before they develop language skills. It suggests that laughter is an innate behavior, possibly related to our brain's pattern recognition and reward systems.

Q: Why do jokes become less funny over time?

Jokes rely on incongruity and surprise. Once we've learned the logical order and anticipate the punchline, the element of surprise and incongruity is lost, making the joke less funny with repeated exposure.

Q: Why do we laugh when tickled?

Tickling may serve as a way to teach children about their vulnerable areas and promote defensive behaviors. It can also encourage social interaction and playfulness, reinforcing the development of important skills.

Q: How does the epiglottis contribute to laughter?

The epiglottis, a flap that protects the trachea during swallowing, constricts the larynx during laughter. This constriction creates the sound of laughter. Furthermore, the epiglottis has taste buds, making comedy literally a matter of taste.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Humor is about learning and the surprise of incongruity between expectations and reality, which leads to laughter.

  • Laughter is a social behavior and we are more likely to laugh when others are present.

  • Tickling may serve as a way to teach children defensive behaviors and plays a role in positioning the baby before delivery.

  • Laughing involves the epiglottis, a flap that protects the trachea, and hilariously, it has taste buds.

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