Where Do Trees Get Their Mass? | Summary and Q&A

March 12, 2012
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Where Do Trees Get Their Mass?


Trees gain most of their mass from carbon dioxide in the air, not from the soil.

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Key Insights

  • 👱 Trees gain most of their mass from carbon dioxide in the air, not from the soil.
  • 💦 Water and nutrients absorbed through the roots also contribute to a tree's mass.
  • 🌲 Trees convert sunlight energy into matter to build their branches and leaves.
  • 💦 Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are essential for the growth and development of trees.
  • 👱 Trees are essentially made up of air, with 95% of their composition coming from carbon dioxide they take in.
  • 🌲 Trees and humans have a reciprocal relationship when it comes to exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen.
  • 😅 Trees do not eat food in the same way animals do, as they primarily rely on photosynthesis to produce energy.


Trees are some of the biggest organisms on the planet, but where do they get that matter to grow? Man: Rich nutrients out the ground. Man: Start with soil or in the air. Man: Goodness out of the soil, I suppose. Derek Muller: Comes out of the soil? Man: Yeah... Derek Muller: Yeah... Derek Muller: Goodness. Man: Goodness. Derek Muller: Why isn't th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Where do trees get their mass to grow big?

Trees primarily gain their mass from carbon dioxide in the air. They also absorb water and nutrients from the soil through their roots.

Q: Do trees eat anything?

No, trees do not eat in the same way animals do. They obtain their energy and nutrients from sunlight through photosynthesis.

Q: Is the mass of a tree taken out of the soil?

No, the mass of a tree does not come from the soil. Trees primarily use soil for anchoring themselves and obtaining water and nutrients, but their mass comes from the air.

Q: What would happen if a tree and a person were in a closed system?

In a closed system, a person would breathe out carbon dioxide and water, which a tree would take in. As a result, the person would lose mass while the tree gains mass.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Trees do not get their mass from the soil, as evidenced by an experiment conducted by Johann Baptist Van Helmholt in the 1600s.

  • The mass of a tree primarily comes from water and nutrients absorbed through its roots, as well as carbon dioxide taken in through its leaves.

  • Trees convert the energy from sunlight to build their matter into branches and leaves.

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