Unwelcome Guests: Alien Animal Invaders - Professor Tim Blackburn | Summary and Q&A

November 5, 2013
Gresham College
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Unwelcome Guests: Alien Animal Invaders - Professor Tim Blackburn


Alien invasive species are a significant concern due to their negative impacts on native biodiversity, causing extinctions and economic damage.

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Key Insights

  • ☠️ The growth of the human population and increasing human activities have resulted in an elevated rate of species invasions and subsequent impacts on native biodiversity.
  • 👽 Alien invasive species have caused extinctions and significant economic damage.
  • 👽 Alien invasions can homogenize ecosystems and disrupt natural processes.


um well welcome everyone thank you very much for coming out to hear me speak this lunchtime i'm going to start in a sort of slightly different place i'm going to start out by thinking very briefly about native biodiversity and our planet is home to an absolute fantastic richness and diversity of organisms but not all places are equal in terms of th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the four processes that drive variation in species numbers?

The four processes are speciation (the formation of new species), immigration (the arrival of species in an area), extinction (the loss of species), and emigration (the departure of species from an area).

Q: Why are human-driven species invasions a concern?

Human activities have led to an elevated rate of species invasions, causing extinctions, homogenization of ecosystems, and economic damage. The movement of species by humans can disrupt natural ecosystems and lead to the displacement of native species.

Q: What are the impacts of invasive species on native biodiversity?

Invasive species can outcompete and prey on native species, causing population declines and extinctions. They can also introduce diseases to which native species have no defense. This can result in the loss of unique and endemic species.

Q: How do invasive species affect economies?

Invasive species can have significant economic impacts, resulting in losses from agricultural pests, damage to fisheries and aquaculture, and the spread of diseases. Estimates of the cost of invasive species to economies vary but are generally high.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Native biodiversity varies in different parts of the world, with some areas having high species richness, while others have few species.

  • Four processes drive variation in species numbers: speciation, immigration, extinction, and emigration.

  • Human activities, such as increasing population and global shipping, have led to an unprecedented increase in species immigration and subsequent invasions.

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