The Value of Decentralization Using the Blockchain with Marco Reuter | a16z crypto research talks | Summary and Q&A

January 13, 2023
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The Value of Decentralization Using the Blockchain with Marco Reuter | a16z crypto research talks


Should an entrepreneur centralize or decentralize their platform? This paper argues that the decision should be based on the size of the locked-in effect experienced by users.

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Key Insights

  • 👤 Decentralized governance through blockchain technology can provide commitment to not exploit users and align user preferences with monetization decisions.
  • 👤 The decision to centralize or decentralize should be based on the size of the locked-in effect experienced by users.
  • 👤 Various decentralized alternatives to traditional companies have emerged in recent times, offering users more control and governance over the network.
  • 👤 Users' preferences and the effectiveness of decentralized governance can vary based on the specific platform and its characteristics.


we are thrilled today for our seminar to have um Marco reuter um from Manheim he's a graduate student and uh you know I you know interacted with him in his work for a while through various different Market design channels he's got quite a broad portfolio across uh different Market design projects but in particular when he when I first saw what is h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the paper define the locked-in effect?

The locked-in effect refers to the situation where users become increasingly attached to a platform over time, making it difficult for them to switch to alternative platforms due to switching costs or the personalization of services.

Q: What are the advantages of decentralized governance?

Decentralized governance allows users to have control over the network and makes it more difficult for the entrepreneur to exploit the locked-in effect. Additionally, it can enable revenue sharing among users and alignment of user preferences.

Q: What is the main result of the paper?

The main result is that an entrepreneur should decentralize through a blockchain if and only if the size of the locked-in effect experienced by users is sufficiently large. This ensures a commitment to not exploit users and provides benefits for both the entrepreneur and the users.

Q: How does the paper address the potential competition from other platforms?

The paper does not explicitly model competition from other platforms but assumes that the size of the locked-in effect determines the decision to centralize or decentralize. However, the paper acknowledges that competition from other platforms could influence user preferences and the decision-making process.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The paper explores the decision of whether to create a platform using a regular company or a decentralized blockchain. It focuses on the locked-in effect users experience on a platform.

  • The main result of the paper is that decentralized governance is preferred if the locked-in effect is sufficiently large, as it provides commitment to not exploit users.

  • The paper discusses various applications of decentralized alternatives to traditional companies, such as Filecoin and Pre-search.

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