The Art Of High Performance Psychology - Dr Michael Gervais | Modern Wisdom Podcast 452 | Summary and Q&A

March 26, 2022
Chris Williamson
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The Art Of High Performance Psychology - Dr Michael Gervais | Modern Wisdom Podcast 452


Psychology plays a crucial role in unlocking human potential; there is a growing interest in performance psychology, which will be shaped by advancements in technology and a focus on nurturing relationships with oneself, others, and machines.

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Key Insights

  • βœ‹ The Red Bull Stratos project highlighted the importance of investing in internal skills for high performance in high-stakes environments.
  • πŸ–οΈ Psychology plays a significant role in various fields, such as sports, business, and personal development, and is crucial for unlocking human potential.
  • πŸ”¬ Techniques like systematic desensitization and maintaining a personal philosophy can help individuals cope with intense emotions and pressure.


i love this struggle i think that this is materially important for people to examine their life and say what am i doing am i living in alignment with my capabilities am i truly front loading and investing in the skills for this small 80 to 100 years that i have here on this planet am i maximizing the way that i would love to live michael gervais we... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker become involved in the Red Bull Stratos project with Felix Baumgartner?

The speaker was tapped by the head of high performance at Red Bull due to Felix's struggle with claustrophobia, which posed a significant challenge to the project.

Q: What techniques did the speaker use to help Felix overcome his fears?

The speaker employed systematic desensitization, gradually exposing Felix to the stressor and helping him build his internal capabilities. This involved working from imagination to low-stress environments, gradually increasing the intensity of exposure.

Q: How does the speaker advise individuals to distinguish between leaving something on the table and approaching burnout?

The speaker suggests front-loading discomfort and understanding personal tolerances through challenging oneself in their 20s. It is essential to develop an accurate understanding of one's edges and to invest in psychological skills for resilience and growth.

Q: How does psychology play a role in performance and human potential?

Psychology helps individuals understand their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and enables them to cultivate resilience, cope with pressure, and maximize their performance. It also contributes to personal growth, alignment with values, and nurturing healthy relationships.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares a personal story about working with Felix Baumgartner on the Red Bull Stratos project and highlights the importance of investing in internal skills for high performance.

  • The speaker emphasizes the significance of psychology in various fields, such as sports, business, and personal development, and discusses the role of front-loading and maximizing one's capabilities.

  • The speaker explains the techniques used to help individuals cope with intense emotions and pressure, such as systematic desensitization and maintaining a personal philosophy.

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