The Architecture of Sustainable Smiles | Markus Roselieb | TEDxChiangMaiU | Summary and Q&A

November 27, 2023
TEDx Talks
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The Architecture of Sustainable Smiles | Markus Roselieb | TEDxChiangMaiU


Architecture rooted in smiles, sustainability, and breaking away from traditional norms can create a positive and functional design that connects with people.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ’… Personal connection and emotion should drive our perception of beauty in architecture, rather than societal trends or opinions.
  • πŸ€” The Bauhaus ideology, emphasizing square and concrete designs, has had a significant influence on architectural thinking and continues to shape the industry.
  • πŸ«₯ Nature's designs, characterized by flowing lines and irregular shapes, have a positive impact on our emotions and well-being.
  • πŸ˜€ Creating a school that combines nature, sustainable materials, technology, and a holistic approach to education can lead to happier students and a positive learning environment.
  • πŸ₯Ί Breaking away from established trends and questioning the norm can lead to innovation in architecture.
  • β›” Opinions are temporary and should not limit or discourage architectural creativity.
  • πŸ˜€ Choosing designs and options that personally touch our hearts and create smiles is a reliable guide in decision-making.


sometimes it is difficult for us to be go go beyond our limits because we are not even aware of the thought box we are sitting in let's take Beauty in architecture for example what is a beautiful house if you stand in front of a house and you have to make up your mind whether this is beautiful what kind of reference are you going to use the referen... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the Bauhaus ideology influence architecture today?

The Bauhaus ideology, which favors square and concrete designs, continues to shape architectural thinking through media influence and academia. It can be challenging to oppose this style due to its strong presence in the industry.

Q: Why do nature-inspired designs elicit smiles and happiness?

Nature's designs, characterized by flowing and irregular lines, create a connection that brings happiness and peacefulness. These designs touch our hearts and evoke positive emotions.

Q: What were the goals in creating a school with a holistic approach to education?

The school aimed to combine traditional academic programs, like the IB Program, with values-based curriculum teachings derived from Buddhism. The goal was to develop academically and personally strong individuals who can bring positive change to society.

Q: How does the school incorporate sustainability and technology?

The school uses sustainable materials like bamboo and earth, which have functional advantages and a minimal carbon footprint. Technology, such as AI facial recognition, air conditioning systems, and well-equipped science labs, enhances the learning environment and promotes sustainability.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Beauty in architecture is subjective and should be based on personal connection, not trends or public opinion.

  • The Bauhaus ideology, which emphasizes square and concrete designs, has dominated architectural thinking for decades.

  • Nature's designs, characterized by flowing lines and irregular shapes, have a positive impact on our emotions and well-being.

  • A school is created with a focus on nature, sustainable materials, technology, and a holistic approach to education.

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