Taking the Next Step: Ensuring Trusted Elections and Civics for Georgians | Summary and Q&A

February 16, 2024
American Bar Association
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Taking the Next Step: Ensuring Trusted Elections and Civics for Georgians


Election officials from Georgia discuss the importance of voter trust, integrity, and security in the democratic process.

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Key Insights

  • 👂 Georgia implements automatic voter registration and exchanges voter data with other states to maintain accurate voter lists.
  • 🎮 Election officials in Georgia prioritize security measures, including video surveillance, logic and accuracy testing, and risk-limiting audits.
  • #️⃣ Mail-in ballots in Georgia require the inclusion of a driver's license number or state-issued ID number to enhance integrity.


okay we're going to get started if you can please take your seats thank you very much thank you for being here good afternoon everyone uh welcome to what I know is going to be a very meaningful afternoon that's going to inspire everyone that's here um and thank you for joining us either here in person and we've got a full room here uh but also ther... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Georgia ensure the accuracy of voter lists?

Georgia implements automatic voter registration through the Department of Driver Services, exchanges voter data with other states through the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), and conducts regular list maintenance to remove ineligible voters.

Q: How does Georgia enhance the security of its elections?

Georgia employs various security measures, including video surveillance in warehouses, logic and accuracy testing of voting machines before elections, and a risk-limiting audit process to verify the accuracy of machine counts through a hand recount.

Q: What measures does Georgia take to maintain the integrity of mail-in ballots?

Georgia requires voters to include their driver's license number or state-issued ID number on their mail-in ballot envelope. The state also conducts logic and accuracy testing to ensure the functionality of the process.

Q: How do Georgia election officials handle the transition from digital voting to paper ballot systems?

Georgia election officials express confidence in the security and accuracy of the paper ballot system. They conduct thorough audits, utilize enhanced verification processes, and engage in regular training to ensure effective implementation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Linda Klein and Ryan Germany, co-chairs of the event, express gratitude for the American Bar Association's task force on American democracy and focus on addressing key issues facing democracy, such as safeguarding election integrity and educating Americans on the importance of democracy.

  • Alberto Garcia SRAM, a strategic communications expert, is thanked for his pro bono assistance in managing the event.

  • Tony Dampo, the president of the State Bar of Georgia, highlights the importance of democracy and offers support from the State Bar.

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