Sargon Of Akkad - The Media's Problem With Blackface | Summary and Q&A

September 29, 2020
Chris Williamson
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Sargon Of Akkad - The Media's Problem With Blackface


The German episode of Faulty Towers is being removed due to offensive content, causing debate over censorship and social justice.

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Key Insights

  • 👨‍⚖️ The removal of the German episode of Faulty Towers highlights the ongoing debate regarding censorship and social justice in entertainment.
  • ❓ Context and original intent are often overlooked when controversial content is removed.
  • 😥 The trigger points of social media platforms like Twitter play a significant role in deciding which content is deemed offensive.
  • 👶 The current social justice movement and its revolutionaries aim to establish a new moral order based on their ideology.
  • 😂 The focus on racial collectivization and tearing down certain groups leads to a lack of consideration for the individual impact and consequences.
  • ❤️‍🩹 Burning down cities and looting businesses in the name of social justice is not justified, but those supporting the movement often prioritize the ends over the means.
  • 👨‍⚖️ A counter-revolution or the creation of alternative industries is necessary to challenge the dominance of social justice ideologies.


what's your views on the recent removal of faulty towers german episode um it's been decades since i've seen it but if i recall correctly wasn't that mocking racism like wasn't that the point i'm not sure i'm absolutely certain that the point i i like like it's been decades since i've watched it but i'm sure the point of the episode is to mock some... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Was the German episode of Faulty Towers meant to mock racism?

Yes, the episode was intended to mock a character who was racist, highlighting their backwardness. The use of offensive language and blackface were meant to be part of the character's ridiculousness, not a reflection of the show's values.

Q: Who requested the removal of the episode?

It was not Germans who asked for the episode to be taken down, but individuals who were unaware of Twitter's trigger points. The use of the n-word and blackface led to the episode being removed.

Q: Did the character's portrayal of blackface target a specific person?

No, the portrayal of blackface in the episode was not meant to target a specific race. It was a commentary on a character's foolishness. However, the lack of context in today's society has led to the erasure of the original intent.

Q: Is the removal of controversial content the new norm?

Yes, the current trend indicates that there are stricter guardrails on the type of content that will be produced publicly. Companies and institutions are aligning with social justice ideologies, which often prioritize avoiding discomfort for certain groups.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The German episode of Faulty Towers is being removed, sparking discussions about the original intent of the episode which was to mock racism.

  • The decision to remove the episode was not made by Germans but by individuals who were unaware of Twitter's trigger points, such as the use of the n-word and blackface.

  • The removal of certain content shows a shift towards censorship and the erasure of context.

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