Regulatory Compliance and Crypto's Negative Image with Ben Whitby of Qredo | Summary and Q&A

November 15, 2021
Real Vision
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Regulatory Compliance and Crypto's Negative Image with Ben Whitby of Qredo


Benjamin Whitby discusses the importance of crypto compliance, digital identity, and regulations in the crypto space for responsible growth and preventing potential systemic damage.

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Key Insights

  • 👾 Benjamin Whitby's background in compliance and regulations in the financial industry has equipped him with a deep understanding of the importance of regulatory compliance in the crypto space.
  • 🎓 Transparency and education are crucial for changing negative narratives associated with digital assets and crypto.
  • 🍉 Compliance with regulations, establishment of digital identity, and responsible behavior are necessary for the growth and long-term success of the crypto industry.
  • 👾 Illicit actors are drawn to new technologies like crypto, but the space is becoming more transparent, making it the most transparent asset class globally.


welcome to real mission uh my name is santiago bellez co-founder of block digital corporation and i'm very excited to bring to you mr benjamin whitby today we're going to discuss crypto compliance digital identity uh and all things regulations as they relate to crypto and we're gonna find out what uh ben is up to in the space welcome ben thank you ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Benjamin Whitby transition from a coding career to compliance and regulatory roles in the financial industry?

Benjamin started his career as a developer but shifted towards compliance when building a trading platform required an understanding of regulations. He consumed extensive information and found a natural fit in the compliance space.

Q: What sparked Benjamin Whitby's interest in crypto, particularly Bitcoin?

While working on a project at HSBC, Benjamin came across Bitcoin in 2013 when a colleague invested in it. He delved into researching and learning about the crypto space, leading him to establish expertise in the field.

Q: Why has crypto been associated with illicit activities, such as money laundering and terrorism?

Benjamin attributes this association to the fact that illicit actors often gravitate towards new technologies first. He believes that education and understanding the transparent nature of crypto can help decouple it from such negative narratives.

Q: How can companies like Credo and experts like Benjamin Whitby contribute to the responsible growth of the crypto industry?

Companies like Credo aim to provide tools and frameworks for institutions to manage their digital assets while ensuring compliance and regulatory requirements. Benjamin emphasizes the importance of discipline, responsibility, and education in the crypto space.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Benjamin Whitby shares his background in compliance and regulatory space in the financial industry and how it led him to the crypto space.

  • He emphasizes the need for institutions in the crypto space to establish regulatory compliance and digital identity to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.

  • Whitby believes that education, transparency, and responsible behavior are essential for decoupling the negative narratives associated with digital assets and crypto.

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