Reformation and Consequences: Crash Course European History #7 | Summary and Q&A

May 26, 2019
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Reformation and Consequences: Crash Course European History #7


Religious reform and state-building in Europe during the 16th century led to religious wars, centralization of power, and the emergence of new sects and sects.

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Key Insights

  • ✌️ The Peace of Augsburg brought temporary peace but did not fully resolve religious divisions in the Holy Roman Empire.
  • ❓ Monarchs sought centralization and professionalization to support warfare and economic expansion.
  • 🥺 Protestantism's fragmentation challenged religious and political hierarchies and led to the emergence of new sects.
  • ❓ Jean Calvin's theocracy in Geneva introduced the concept of predestination and strict regulations on citizens.
  • 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Henry VIII used Protestantism as a means to get divorced and acquire land, leading to the establishment of the Church of England.
  • 🇫🇷 Religious wars and conflicts arose in France, tearing at the French crown and nobility.
  • 👨 Queen Elizabeth I restored Protestantism in England and pursued a more moderate path than her father and sister.


[[TV Window]] Hi I’m John Green, this is Crash Course European History, and today we’re going to watch religious reform spread, while states shape up their operations to make them better adapted to governance. And also making war. Mostly making war. As you’ll recall from our last episode, the Peace of Augsburg was supposed to settle the religious d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the Peace of Augsburg impact religious divisions in the Holy Roman Empire?

The Peace of Augsburg brought temporary peace but did not fully resolve religious divisions in the empire. It mainly recognized the coexistence of Lutheranism and Catholicism but left out other Protestant sects.

Q: What factors led to the centralization of state power and professionalization during this period?

Monarchs saw the need for centralization and professionalization to support warfare and economic expansion. This required more money for weaponry, infrastructure, and tax collection, as well as the use of piracy and global expansion.

Q: How did Protestantism's fragmentation challenge religious and political hierarchies?

As Protestantism evolved, it led to the emergence of new sects that promoted radical ideas of equality and direct connection to God. This threatened the authority and power of traditional religious and political hierarchies, such as the Catholic Church and aristocracies.

Q: What were the key ideas and regulations introduced by Jean Calvin in his theocracy in Geneva?

Jean Calvin's theocracy in Geneva introduced the concept of predestination, where God predetermined who would be saved or damned. He imposed strict regulations, including fines for drunkenness, blasphemy, dancing, and gambling, to maintain citizens' godly nature.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Peace of Augsburg temporarily settled religious divisions in the Holy Roman Empire, leading monarchs to centralize and professionalize state power to support warfare and economic expansion.

  • Protestantism's fragmentation and radical ideas challenged religious and political hierarchies, resulting in constant splintering and conflicts.

  • Jean Calvin's theocracy in Geneva introduced the concept of predestination and strict regulation of citizens to maintain godly nature.

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