Our natural sleep cycle | Jessa Gamble | Summary and Q&A

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Our natural sleep cycle | Jessa Gamble


Our internal clocks, or body clocks, play a crucial role in our behavior and are a driving force behind culture, needing to be understood in the modern world of global travel and 24-hour businesses.

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Key Insights

  • 🌞 Our bodies have internal clocks that have evolved to align with light and darkness. This is seen in animals like the horseshoe crab, which follows its internal cycle even when placed in a different environment. Humans also have a "body clock."
  • 🌛 When deprived of external cues like light and time, humans naturally follow their own internal clocks. Without watches or exposure to sunlight, people tend to wake up a little bit later every day and gradually drift around the clock.
  • 🌍 Our body clock is crucial in shaping our behavior and culture. It is a strong driver that influences how we adapt to different environments. For example, in Arctic Canada where there are extreme variations in daylight, the traditional culture adjusts its activities accordingly.
  • 💤 In an ideal natural rhythm, when people live without artificial light, they sleep twice a night. They go to bed early, sleep until midnight, have a period of meditative quiet, and then sleep again until sunrise. This pattern promotes true wakefulness during the day.
  • 🌐 In our modern society characterized by jet lag, global travel, 24-hour business, and shift work, our natural sleep patterns are disrupted. Our ways of living have advantages, but it's important to consider the costs and understand the impact of disregarding our body clocks.
  • 🌞 Our internal clocks have evolved under conditions of 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness near the equator. As humans have spread all over the world, we are now faced with environments that differ greatly from our natural rhythm.
  • 💡 The role of our body clock is underestimated and often overlooked. It significantly influences our behavior and well-being. Recognizing and aligning with our internal clocks can lead to better productivity and overall health. ⏰ It is important to acknowledge the impact of our modern lifestyle on our body clocks. While there are advantages to our current way of living, understanding the natural rhythms of our bodies can help us find a balance and mitigate the negative effects of our disrupted sleep patterns.


Let's start with day and night. Life evolved under conditions of light and darkness, light and then darkness. And so plants and animals developed their own internal clocks so that they would be ready for these changes in light. These are chemical clocks, and they're found in every known being that has two or more cells and in some that only have on... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do internal clocks affect the behavior of animals and humans?

Internal clocks, also known as circadian rhythms, play a crucial role in regulating the behavior of animals and humans. These clocks help organisms anticipate changes in light and darkness, allowing them to be prepared for the associated physiological and behavioral changes.

Q: How does isolation from external time cues affect human sleep patterns?

When people are isolated from external time cues, such as natural light and clocks, their sleep patterns can reveal the workings of their internal clocks. Without external influences, people tend to follow a biphasic sleep pattern, sleeping twice during the night with a period of wakefulness in between.

Q: What impact does the modern lifestyle have on our body clocks?

The modern lifestyle, characterized by global travel, shift work, and 24-hour businesses, can disrupt our body clocks. Jet lag, irregular sleep schedules, and exposure to artificial light at night can lead to challenges in maintaining a synchronized internal clock, potentially affecting our overall well-being.

Q: How does our body clock influence culture and behavior?

Our body clocks have a significant impact on our behavior and culture. Different cultures around the world have developed unique daily rhythms, influenced by their environment and natural light-dark cycles. For example, cultures in Arctic Canada adapt their activities and sleep patterns to the extreme seasonal changes in daylight and darkness.

Q: How can understanding our body clocks benefit individuals and society?

Understanding our body clocks can have numerous benefits. It can help individuals optimize their sleep patterns, improve their overall well-being, and enhance productivity. Additionally, considering the influence of body clocks in various cultural and societal contexts can lead to more effective planning and decision-making in areas such as healthcare, education, and work schedules.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • All living beings have internal clocks that help them adapt to changes in light and darkness.

  • Humans have a body clock that governs their sleep patterns, which can be observed when they are isolated from external time cues.

  • Our body clocks are important in shaping our behavior and culture, but in the modern world of global travel and 24-hour businesses, they may face challenges.

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