Nurturing Habits for Lifelong Achievement | Mariam George | TEDxUniversity of Birmingham Dubai | Summary and Q&A

March 29, 2024
TEDx Talks
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Nurturing Habits for Lifelong Achievement | Mariam George | TEDxUniversity of Birmingham Dubai


College dropout and content creator shares her journey of building habits and finding success on TikTok.

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Key Insights

  • 😑 The speaker's journey highlights the importance of pursuing a career or passion that provides a sense of fulfillment and creative expression.
  • ✊ The power of habits and consistency cannot be underestimated in achieving long-term goals.
  • 💦 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can work together to drive individuals towards their goals.


I'm Mariam George I'm a content creator an Entertainer an entrepreneur and a College Dropout so it's actually really funny that I'm here giving a TED Talk at a college but before I get into the smart talk I want to tell you how I got to this stage in the first place so I started creating content when I was eight years old and by content I mean sing... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What motivated the speaker to start creating content on YouTube?

The speaker's intrinsic motive was the sense of fulfillment that came with creative expression, while her extrinsic motive was to prove to her parents that she could make content creation a viable career.

Q: How did the speaker's experience with TikTok differ from her experience with YouTube?

While she initially gave up on YouTube due to lack of success, she found tremendous success on TikTok, gaining 2.5 million followers and earning a significant income. TikTok became the platform to showcase her skills and start new businesses.

Q: How did the speaker overcome the lack of motivation to exercise and build a fitness habit?

The speaker initially focused on the feeling of accomplishment that came with going to the gym. She built a habit of exercising daily and eventually saw results, which motivated her further.

Q: What is the role of motivation in achieving goals?

While motivation is essential to start working towards a goal, it is not enough to sustain progress in the long run. Consistency and persistence are key factors in achieving success.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker, a content creator and entrepreneur, shares her journey of starting YouTube at a young age and later discovering TikTok, which led to her success.

  • She emphasizes the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in pursuing one's goals.

  • The speaker also discusses her fitness journey and how building habits played a significant role in achieving her goals.

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