Naming Acid Anhydrides and Nitriles - IUPAC Nomenclature | Summary and Q&A

May 3, 2018
The Organic Chemistry Tutor
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Naming Acid Anhydrides and Nitriles - IUPAC Nomenclature


Learn how to name acid anhydrides and nitriles based on the number of carbon atoms and functional groups present.

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Key Insights

  • 📛 Acid anhydrides are named by modifying the corresponding alkane name.
  • 🙃 Symmetrical anhydrides have the same number of carbon atoms on both sides.
  • 📛 Unsymmetrical anhydrides require proper ordering of alkane names.
  • 👥 Nitriles are named based on the longest carbon chain and the nitrile functional group.
  • 🪗 Substituents in nitriles are indicated using appropriate prefixes and numbered according to the nitrile carbon.
  • 😋 The presence of functional groups, such as bromine or a benzene ring, impact the naming of nitriles.
  • 📛 The systematic and common names of molecules can often be used interchangeably.


in this video we're going to talk about how to name acid and hydrides and nitriles as well so let's start with a basic example what is the name of this acid anhydride so this particular anhydride is symmetrical we have two carbons on both sides now whenever you have a two carbon chain you need to think of the word ethane but in this case when deali... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How are symmetrical acid anhydrides named?

Symmetrical anhydrides have the same number of carbon atoms on both sides. Replace the "e" in the corresponding alkane name with "oic" and add "anhydride." For example, ethanoic anhydride.

Q: How do you name unsymmetrical acid anhydrides?

Unsymmetrical anhydrides have different numbers of carbon atoms on each side. Identify the alkane names for each side, ensuring alphabetical order, and add "anhydride." For example, ethanoic propanoic anhydride.

Q: How are nitriles named?

Nitriles are named by identifying the longest carbon chain and adding the suffix "-nitrile." Number the chain so that the nitrile functional group has the lowest possible number. Include any substituents using appropriate prefixes. For example, butane nitrile.

Q: How do you name nitriles with substituents?

Identify the longest carbon chain and add "-nitrile." Number the chain, starting with the carbon closest to the nitrile group. Use appropriate prefixes for substituents. For example, 4-methylheptane nitrile.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Acid anhydrides can be named by replacing the "e" in the corresponding alkane name with "oic" and adding "anhydride."

  • Symmetrical acid anhydrides have the same number of carbon atoms on both sides, while unsymmetrical anhydrides have different numbers.

  • Nitriles are named by identifying the longest carbon chain, adding the suffix "-nitrile" and any substituents, with the numbering based on the nitrile functional group.

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