Modern Men’s & Women’s Beauty Standards Are Not The Same | Summary and Q&A

May 27, 2022
Chris Williamson
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Modern Men’s & Women’s Beauty Standards Are Not The Same


Jordan Peterson's comments on swimsuit models generate clicks for Sports Illustrated, highlighting the double standards in body image standards for men and women.

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Key Insights

  • 💖 Jordan Peterson's comments sparked curiosity and controversy, generating clicks for Sports Illustrated.
  • 🧔‍♀️ The fashion industry promotes body acceptance for women but often neglects to do the same for men.
  • 🧔‍♀️ Body image standards for men are focused on being muscular and shredded, while women are encouraged to embrace diverse body types.
  • 🧔‍♀️ Body dysmorphia affects both men and women, and it is crucial to address this issue for overall mental well-being.
  • 🧔‍♀️ Slut-shaming, anti-abortion rhetoric, and body shaming are prevalent among women themselves, not just from men.
  • 🧔‍♀️ The ongoing gender war between men and women perpetuates in-group and out-group dynamics.
  • 👥 Non-binary discussions add complexity to the creation of numerous in-groups and out-groups.


dude the ceo or the editor-in-chief for sports illustrated should go and thank jordan peterson they probably haven't had that many clicks in ages for [ __ ] sake i clicked on it i was like oh [ __ ] the the this the swimsuit edition is out let's see what's going on here i want to see who the woman is that he thinks is is not attractive of course i'... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Jordan Peterson's comments about swimsuit models affect clicks for Sports Illustrated?

Jordan Peterson's controversial comments led to an increase in clicks for Sports Illustrated as viewers were curious to see who he considered unattractive.

Q: Why do fashion companies use plus-size models, but not "skinny fat" men?

The fashion industry often aims to promote body acceptance for women but neglects to extend the same inclusivity to men, perpetuating body image standards for men.

Q: Can you describe the comparison between men's and women's underwear?

The comparison between men's and women's underwear revealed that women of various sizes, ages, and ethnicities are featured, while men are consistently depicted as shredded and muscular.

Q: Why is it important to address body dysmorphia in men?

Men can also develop body dysmorphia and face societal pressures to have an ideal body, which can lead to mental health issues and unhealthy behaviors.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jordan Peterson's remarks about the attractiveness of a swimsuit model cause a surge in clicks for Sports Illustrated.

  • The fashion industry often features plus-size women, but does not do the same for "skinny fat" men.

  • A comparison of men's and women's underwear shows that women of all sizes are represented, while men are depicted as shredded and muscular.

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