Military Psychologist On How To Stop Negative Self-Talk | Summary and Q&A

April 1, 2022
Chris Williamson
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Military Psychologist On How To Stop Negative Self-Talk


Learn how to deal with negative self-talk by acknowledging, stopping, and replacing it with more positive thoughts.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Humans have a built-in negativity bias due to the uncertainties of our past, leading to negative self-talk.
  • 🤳 Awareness of when and where negative self-talk arises is crucial in combating it effectively.
  • 🛑 Stopping negative self-talk involves visual or mental interruptions, such as imagining a stop sign or a flushed toilet.
  • 🤲 Getting the last word against negative self-talk empowers individuals to be present and confident in their actions.
  • 🤳 Overcoming negative self-talk provides an advantage over competitors who also struggle with it.
  • 🤫 Drawing from past achievements and maintaining a positive mental state can help silence negative self-talk.
  • 🤯 Overcoming negative self-talk is an ongoing process that may require repetition but leads to a first victory over the mind.


how do people deal with negative self-talk okay negative self-talk unfortunately is part of human life there is indeed something of a negativity bias built into us as human beings because let's face it for the vast majority of human existence on the planet our lives were rather uncertain we did not necessarily know where the food supply was going t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do humans have a negativity bias and engage in negative self-talk?

Humans developed a negativity bias as a survival mechanism to be cautious in an uncertain world. Negative self-talk is a result of this bias, often triggered by certain situations or events.

Q: How can one effectively stop negative self-talk?

It is important to visually or mentally interrupt the negative thoughts, such as picturing a stop sign or flushing a toilet. By consciously stopping the negative self-talk, you gain control over your thoughts and emotions.

Q: What is the significance of getting the last word in against negative self-talk?

Getting the last word in against negative self-talk is crucial for building confidence. By countering the negative thoughts with positive affirmations and drawing on your past achievements, you can silence the negativity and focus on the present.

Q: Can overcoming negative self-talk give an advantage over competitors or opponents?

Yes, overcoming negative self-talk can provide an advantage. Many competitors and opponents also struggle with negative self-talk, but by being better at acknowledging, stopping, and replacing it, you gain a mental edge over them.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Negative self-talk is a natural part of human existence due to the built-in negativity bias developed as a survival mechanism.

  • To become more confident, it is crucial to identify when and where the negative voice kicks in.

  • Overcoming negative self-talk involves acknowledging it, stopping it, and replacing it with positive thoughts, drawing from your past achievements.

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