Michael Malice Predicts The Chaos Of Biden's Presidency | Summary and Q&A

February 12, 2021
Chris Williamson
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Michael Malice Predicts The Chaos Of Biden's Presidency


The absence of Trump has led to unpredictable and demented changes in American media and culture, exposing the fraudulent claims of elite control.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 The absence of Trump has led to unpredictable and chaotic changes in American media and culture.
  • 🎮 Elite control is being exposed as fraudulent, challenging the notion of their superiority and morality.
  • 🖤 The Biden administration's approach to opposition creates a systemic breakdown and a lack of dialogue.
  • 🤫 Silencing opposition and restricting freedoms only leads to more radicalization and support for extreme ideologies.
  • ❓ The current actions by the establishment show their desperation and insecurities.
  • 🥹 Top-down administrative changes, such as executive orders, indicate a last-ditch effort to hold onto power.
  • 💗 The proliferation of alternative communication platforms like Telegram and Signal reflects a growing disillusionment with mainstream channels.


moving forward what are the main changes that you think people should expect uh especially in the american media and culture without trump in office anymore obviously we had this knife edge that it was could it go one way could it go another and four more years we could have probably had a good understanding of what to expect just more of the same ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What changes can we expect in American media and culture without Trump in office?

The absence of Trump is likely to bring about unpredictable and chaotic changes, with more attempts and successful executions of unforeseen events. This will expose the fraudulent claim of elite control and demonstrate that they are not superior or morally upright.

Q: Why does a Biden administration create more chaos than a Trump administration?

The Trump administration represented the disdain for the system that many people felt, giving them a voice. However, the Biden administration dismisses and labels anyone opposing them as white supremacists and insurrectionists. This creates a systemic breakdown and a lack of willingness to engage in conversation or find common ground.

Q: What is the danger in forcing extreme views and silencing opposition?

By forcing extreme views, like labeling people as Nazis, and silencing opposing voices, the establishment is playing a dangerous game. This approach pushes people towards those they are being accused of and increases support for more extreme ideologies.

Q: Are top-down administrative changes contributing to the current situation?

The old guard is attempting to hold onto their power and control by deploying executive orders, restricting speech, press, and movements. These actions indicate a desperate attempt to maintain their version of power, but it also reveals their insecurities and lack of control.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Without Trump, American media and culture are expected to experience unpredictable and chaotic changes.

  • The absence of a centralized figure like Trump will result in unexpected events and attempts that challenge elite control.

  • The exposure of the fraudulent nature of the elite and their lack of moral superiority will give people hope for the future.

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