Making space and time for matter and mind | Bernard Carr | 2020 Work Conference | Summary and Q&A

January 21, 2021
Essentia Foundation
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Making space and time for matter and mind | Bernard Carr | 2020 Work Conference


Physicist Bernard Carr presents an alternative perspective, suggesting that consciousness is fundamental and should be integrated into the final theory of physics. He explores the concept of higher dimensions and the role of time in shaping our perception of reality.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 Physics has made great progress in understanding the structure of the universe on various scales, but it lacks a reference to consciousness.
  • ⛩ī¸ Quantum theory hints at the importance of consciousness, but a deeper paradigm is needed to explain mental phenomena.
  • đŸ¤¯ Higher dimensions and the specious present play a crucial role in linking matter, mind, and consciousness, allowing for diverse levels of consciousness and perception of time.
  • ⁉ī¸ The nature of identity is a fundamental question, and the relationship between individual and universal consciousness remains a mystery.
  • 🎚ī¸ Consciousness may exist separated from the body, and different levels of consciousness may coexist in the universe.


our next presentation is by professor bernard carr i'm personally looking forward to this presentation professor carr is emeritus professor of mathematics and astronomy at queen mary university of london his professional area of research is cosmology and astrophysics and includes such topics as the early universe dark matter black holes and the ant... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is consciousness relevant to physics?

Yes, some theorists argue that the doctrine of a world independent of human consciousness conflicts with quantum mechanics, suggesting that consciousness is relevant to physics.

Q: How do dimensions and time relate to consciousness?

Carr proposes a hierarchical structure of consciousness, with higher dimensions and longer time scales associated with expanded levels of consciousness.

Q: Can the brain both produce and filter consciousness?

Carr suggests that while the brain may filter consciousness, there could also be a universal mind underlying all individual minds, challenging the mainstream view that the brain solely generates consciousness.

Q: How does the specious present influence our perception of time?

The specious present, the shortest duration of immediate awareness, can be altered by various factors such as concentration or psychological state. Carr suggests that different levels of consciousness may operate on different specious presents.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Bernard Carr discusses the triumph of physics in understanding the structure of the universe on various scales, but notes the absence of any reference to mind.

  • He explores the role of consciousness in physics, citing notable physicists and proposing that consciousness is fundamental rather than an incidental feature of the universe.

  • Carr delves into the concepts of higher dimensions and the specious present, highlighting the need for an extended paradigm to incorporate mental phenomena into physics.

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