Is There A Loneliness Epidemic? - Noreena Hertz | Modern Wisdom Podcast 266 | Summary and Q&A

January 7, 2021
Chris Williamson
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Is There A Loneliness Epidemic? - Noreena Hertz | Modern Wisdom Podcast 266


Loneliness has detrimental effects on our health and well-being, comparable to smoking, and is influenced by various factors such as technology, city design, and societal shifts. Building strong relationships, participating in community activities, and helping others can help combat loneliness.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍⚕️ Loneliness has serious health consequences, comparable to smoking, highlighting the importance of addressing this issue.
  • 🫒 Living alone, decreased social interactions, and a cultural shift towards individualism contribute to feelings of loneliness.
  • 🏙️ City design, such as crowded and impersonal environments, can exacerbate loneliness.
  • 😮 Technology and social media play a significant role in the rise of loneliness, particularly among young people.
  • 🆘 Building strong relationships, participating in community activities, and helping others can help combat loneliness.
  • 😀 Remote working has highlighted the importance of social connections and face-to-face interactions in combating loneliness.
  • ❓ Despite the current challenges, there is reason for optimism as our innate desire for connection and community will prevail.


researchers have found that loneliness is as bad for our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day if you're lonely you have a 30 higher chance of getting heart disease if you're lonely you have a 40 higher chance of getting dementia if you're lonely you also have a higher risk of getting stroke if you're lonely and you're already ill you're less likel... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some of the health risks associated with loneliness?

Loneliness has been found to increase the risk of heart disease, dementia, stroke, and decreased recovery from illness. It puts our bodies in a constant state of fight or flight, leading to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and elevated levels of stress hormones.

Q: Can being in a relationship or having friends alleviate loneliness?

While being in a relationship or having friends can help combat loneliness, it is not a guaranteed solution. Loneliness can still be experienced even in the presence of others. Building strong relationships and investing in friendships can certainly mitigate feelings of loneliness.

Q: How has technology, particularly social media, contributed to loneliness?

The addictive nature of social media platforms and the shift towards individualistic mindsets have played a significant role in the rise of loneliness, especially among young people. Social media can isolate individuals, exacerbate feelings of exclusion, and reduce face-to-face interactions.

Q: What impact has remote working had on loneliness?

While remote working initially seemed appealing, many people have found it to be isolating and yearn for the social interactions and connections they had in the office. Loneliness among remote workers can negatively affect productivity, motivation, and overall well-being.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Loneliness has serious health consequences, increasing the risk of heart disease, dementia, stroke, and decreased recovery from illness.

  • Factors contributing to loneliness include living alone, decreased social interactions, and a cultural shift towards individualism.

  • City design, such as crowded and impersonal environments, can contribute to loneliness.

  • The rise of technology and social media has exacerbated feelings of loneliness, especially among young people.

  • Loneliness is not limited to personal relationships but can also be felt in workplaces and communities.

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