Is the Country Calming Down? | Summary and Q&A

August 13, 2021
The Bulwark
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Is the Country Calming Down?


The Senate successfully passed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill with bipartisan support, marking a potential win for President Biden's commitment to bipartisanship.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ–οΈ President Biden's commitment to bipartisanship played a vital role in achieving bipartisan support for the infrastructure bill.
  • πŸ₯³ The challenges in passing the infrastructure bill show the divisions within the Democratic party between moderate and progressive members.
  • πŸ˜€ The $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill faces uncertainty due to concerns about spending and how it will be funded.


welcome to beg to differ the bulwark's weekly roundtable discussion featuring civil conversation across the political spectrum we range from center left to center right i'm mona charon syndicated columnist and policy editor at the bulwark and i am joined by our regulars bill galston of the brookings institution and the wall street journal damon lin... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Did any Republicans support the infrastructure bill?

Yes, 19 Republicans voted in favor of the bill, indicating a potential victory for President Biden's philosophy of bipartisanship.

Q: What challenges does the bill face in the House?

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, announced that she will not present the bill as a stand-alone, which has caused divisions among moderate and progressive Democrats. They disagree on the sequencing of votes and what should be included in the infrastructure package.

Q: Does the infrastructure bill mark a vindication of President Biden's commitment to bipartisanship?

Yes, President Biden's deliberate efforts in creating the political space for negotiations and his commitment to the Senate's traditional role played a crucial role in achieving bipartisan support for the bill.

Q: How likely is it that the $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill will pass?

It is uncertain whether there are enough votes for the $3.5 trillion bill, particularly among moderate Democrats who question the high spending and how it will be paid for. The bill's passage depends on negotiations and compromises within the Democratic party.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Senate passed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill with a vote of 69 to 30, including support from 19 Republicans.

  • President Biden's commitment to bipartisanship and his deliberate efforts to create political space for negotiations played a crucial role in achieving this result.

  • However, challenges lie ahead as the bill now needs to pass the House and faces resistance from both moderate and progressive Democrats.

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