I Tried to Go 24 Hours Without Ads... This is What Happened | Summary and Q&A

March 9, 2019
Nathaniel Drew
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I Tried to Go 24 Hours Without Ads... This is What Happened


Filmmaker attempts to navigate a day without encountering any advertisements, highlighting the omnipresence of ads in our lives.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 Ads have become an integral part of our lives and are present in almost every aspect, from billboards to online platforms.
  • 🫠 While ads can be seen as distracting and excessive, they also play a crucial role in funding the content and services we enjoy.
  • 👾 Avoiding ads in the real world can be incredibly challenging, with advertisements saturating public spaces.
  • 🫠 Reducing exposure to ads can be achieved through intentional time management, digital minimalism, and ad blockers.
  • 🫠 Ads have a psychological impact and employ strategies to tempt people into buying things they may not necessarily need.
  • 🫠 Despite their omnipresence, there are ways to minimize exposure to ads and create a more intentional and clutter-free environment.
  • 🙊 Filming in public and being an English-speaking American in Mexico adds another layer of discomfort to the filmmaker's challenge.


Let's face it, whether we like it or not ads are everywhere. They've become an integral part of almost every aspect of our lives. They're on billboards, and on the radio. They've gone from the small screen, to the even smaller screens in our pockets. Believe it or not, I'm actually not against ads at all. As a filmmaker I used to make a living work... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What motivated the filmmaker to attempt living a day without encountering any ads?

The filmmaker expresses concerns about the omnipresence of ads and their impact on our minds, prompting him to experiment with a day without ads.

Q: Why does the filmmaker believe that ads are not necessarily harmful?

The filmmaker acknowledges that ads enable many free products and services that we enjoy, playing a crucial role in funding podcasts, YouTube channels, and other content creators.

Q: What challenges does the filmmaker face during his attempt to avoid ads?

The filmmaker encounters numerous ads on trucks, buildings, billboards, and even clothing, making it exceedingly difficult to navigate without being exposed to advertisements.

Q: What advice does the filmmaker offer for reducing exposure to ads?

The filmmaker suggests reducing notifications on devices, practicing digital minimalism, installing ad blockers, and being intentional with where and how time is spent.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content discusses the ubiquity of ads and their role in funding free products and services like Google, YouTube, and Spotify.

  • The creator sets three challenges to live a day without encountering ads, starting with going to a coffee shop, then a mall, and finally the city center.

  • Despite the difficulties and the overwhelming presence of ads, the filmmaker completes the challenges and reflects on the impact of ads in our everyday lives.

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