How to Remove Negative Product Reviews / Change Amazon Categories Steven Pope Amazon FBA Weekly Q&A | Summary and Q&A

August 19, 2022
My Amazon Guy
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How to Remove Negative Product Reviews / Change Amazon Categories Steven Pope Amazon FBA Weekly Q&A


Steven Pope answers Amazon-related questions and discusses topics like brand registration and content optimization.

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Key Insights

  • 🤕 Steven Pope was banned from posting jobs on Indeed, leading him to create his own job platform, Seller Central Jobs.
  • 👶 Launching new brands on Amazon requires time, capital, and a focus on marketing and compliance.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Future dating product listings can help ensure that the honeymoon period starts at the desired time.
  • ☠️ Communicating with Amazon about compliance documentation and return rates is crucial for preventing issues.
  • 🤲 Including the product box in the main image and getting professional videos made can enhance the listing's appeal.
  • 😘 Competitors using low stock numbers may create a sense of urgency among customers.
  • 💁 Changing the category of a product on Amazon requires filing a brand registry ticket and providing relevant information.
  • 💗 There is a growing trend towards paid advertising on Amazon for improved visibility and sales.
  • 👤 Using user-generated content and influencer marketing can be effective strategies for promoting products.
  • 👋 Changing UPC codes on Amazon can be complex and risky, and it's best not to take any action unless necessary.
  • 🙅 Including duplicate keywords in alt text can be useful in certain phases of SEO to boost keyword relevance and ranking.
  • 💻 Counting characters on a Mac computer can be done using online tools.
  • 🍻 Sending Google traffic to Amazon listings should involve creating a correct Amazon link and ensuring the Amazon account is active and products are in stock.
  • 🎟️ Manufacturer name changes in Seller Central can be addressed by filing a support ticket and providing accurate documentation.
  • ☢️ Downloading bulk active catalogs can be done through the Reports section in Seller Central, specifically under Inventory Reports.
  • 👶 Using gs1 barcodes for new Amazon products may be less risky, but it's not necessary to change existing products without gs1 barcodes.
  • 💱 Revising browse nodes can help change a product's category, and tickets to Amazon can be filed to facilitate such changes.


we'll be going live in 10 minutes this is the Steven Pope ask me any Amazon question weekly Fridays at noon n all n oh n a yeah [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] are you you ready to ask me any Amazon question going live in under 1 minute ask me a PPC question SEO design catalog it's my passion to help the Amazon community and I'm h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How many brands does Steven Pope have on Amazon?

Steven Pope has several brands on Amazon, including Age of Sage, Momster, Holit, and Lily Posh. He is working on launching new brands as well.

Q: How can I address compliance documentation and long review times with Amazon?

If your compliance documentation is under review for an extended period, contact Amazon and provide updates on the situation. Requesting more time and explaining your efforts may help.

Q: Should I future date my product listings if I'm not ready to launch them yet?

Yes, future dating your product listings is a good practice to ensure that the honeymoon period starts when you are ready to launch.

Q: How can I communicate high return rates to Amazon for unique products?

It's important to anticipate objections from Amazon regarding high return rates. Use inserts, tutorials, and exceptional customer service to address potential issues and lower return rates.

Q: Why do competitors show low stock numbers on FBA products?

Competitors may show low stock numbers due to Amazon's reserved inventory system. This can create a sense of urgency and push potential customers to make a purchase.

Q: Can I have a main image that features the product in use with additional accessories?

Yes, featuring the product being used with additional accessories in the main image can provide a clear understanding of the product's features and benefits.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Steven Pope discusses his ban from Indeed and the importance of his new website, Seller Central Jobs.

  • He answers questions about his brands on Amazon and talks about the struggle of launching new brands.

  • Pope provides advice on compliance documentation, future dating products, and lowering return rates.

  • He also talks about the importance of featuring the product box in the main image and getting professional videos made for listings.

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