How To Know If You’re On The Right Path - Alex Hormozi | Summary and Q&A

September 3, 2023
Chris Williamson
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How To Know If You’re On The Right Path - Alex Hormozi


Success invites hate and criticism from others who feel threatened or envious, making it a lonely journey, but the hate indicates that you're on the right path.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Success often leads to a change in how others perceive and treat you, with initial supporters turning into critics.
  • 🙈 Hate and criticism should be seen as indicators of progress and confirmation that you are on the right path.
  • 🤝 Reframing the hate and recognizing it as a projection of others' insecurities can help in dealing with it.


so this is famous seesaw when you're on your way up everyone roots for you because you remind them of their dreams when you're at the top everyone tears you down because you remind them that they gave up on them and you have one which is for anyone who needs a reminder no one is going to hate on you for doing worse than them and this is interesting... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do people who initially support your dreams often turn into critics once you achieve success?

People may feel envy or guilt for not pursuing their own dreams, and seeing your success serves as a reminder of their own shortcomings. They may also perceive you as a threat or believe that you have changed.

Q: How can the hate and criticism received along the journey to success be interpreted positively?

Hate and criticism can be seen as indicators that you are making progress and challenging the status quo. It shows that you are pushing boundaries and achieving things that others may not have the courage or determination to pursue.

Q: How can reframing the hate received help in dealing with it?

By understanding that the hate is often a projection of others' insecurities, you can detach yourself from it and recognize that it has nothing to do with your worth or abilities. It becomes easier to brush off the negativity and stay focused on your goals.

Q: How can one find comfort and motivation in the face of hate and loneliness on the path to success?

Remember that the hate and loneliness are temporary and are signs of progress. Finding a supportive community or seeking inspiration from others who have gone through similar experiences can provide the necessary encouragement to keep going.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Success comes with a shift in how people perceive and treat you, with supporters turning into critics as you achieve your goals.

  • Hatred and criticism are not indicators of failure but rather signs that you are making progress towards your dreams.

  • It's important to reframe the hate you receive as a projection of others' insecurities and as a confirmation that you are on the right path.

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