How to Evaluate an Amazon Business Acquisition and Focus Your Time | Summary and Q&A

December 28, 2020
My Amazon Guy
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How to Evaluate an Amazon Business Acquisition and Focus Your Time


This content provides insights on inventory management, selling strategies, and negotiation tactics for Amazon FBA sellers.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Acquiring an existing Amazon FBA account can be a quick way to start selling on the platform, considering factors like reviews and optimization potential.
  • 🥘 Advertising campaigns on Amazon should be started with one campaign and one product, using shallow keywords. Regular optimizations should be done based on the campaign's performance.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Inventory reconciliation on Amazon can be difficult due to various factors like warehouse movements, returns, damages, and pending orders. Reports and careful monitoring are crucial for efficient inventory management.
  • ❓ Negotiations for purchasing an Amazon FBA account should consider the value of reviews, untapped opportunities, and optimization potential.
  • 🏁 Labeling campaigns and regular check-ins are important for managing advertising campaigns effectively on Amazon.
  • 🏆 Pricing strategies should be tested and adjusted based on the product's demand and competition.
  • 🖐️ Product photography plays a significant role in attracting customers, and professional services can be helpful for high-quality images without glare.
  • ❓ Inventory management is crucial for successful Amazon selling, followed by PPC advertising and general optimizations. Financial aspects should be considered last.


this is this is nuance i'm glad you asked so you can't transfer inventory physically within fba from one account to another that's impossible but you could be starting to sell on this tomorrow if you added it to your account now so what you would do in an acquisition situation you'd be like look hey we're going to buy your account don't have them d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I transfer inventory between Amazon FBA accounts?

Physically transferring inventory between Amazon FBA accounts is not possible. However, you can acquire an existing account to start selling immediately.

Q: What factors should be considered while negotiating the purchase of an Amazon FBA account?

Factors such as the number of reviews, optimization potential, and untapped opportunities should be considered when negotiating the purchase of an Amazon FBA account.

Q: What is the recommended approach for advertising campaigns on Amazon?

It is recommended to start with one campaign and one product, focusing on shallow keywords. Regular check-ins should be done initially, and optimizations and negations can be adjusted over time.

Q: How can inventory reconciliation be effectively managed on Amazon?

Inventory reconciliation on Amazon can be challenging, especially for businesses with multiple warehouses. Various reports can be used to track inventory, but it requires regular monitoring and attention to details.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • It is not possible to transfer inventory physically between Amazon FBA accounts, but you can acquire an existing account to start selling immediately.

  • Negotiating the purchase of an existing Amazon FBA account involves considering factors such as the number of reviews and optimizing listings.

  • For advertising campaigns on Amazon, it is recommended to start with one campaign and one product, using shallow keywords. Negations and optimizations should be done over time as the campaign progresses.

  • Inventory reconciliation on Amazon can be challenging, particularly for businesses that have been operating for a long time. Various inventory reconciliation reports can be used to manage inventory efficiently.

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