How to Choose a Major | Crash Course | How to College | Summary and Q&A

May 5, 2022
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How to Choose a Major | Crash Course | How to College


Choosing a college major is a significant decision that involves exploring different options, seeking advice, and understanding the structure and requirements of your chosen field.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🎓 Choosing a major is an investment of time and guides the trajectory of a student's college experience.
  • 🧑‍🎓 There are resources available, such as advisors, professors, and online platforms, to help students make informed decisions about their majors.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Students should consider their career goals but remember that some careers don't require a specific major, and it's possible to switch paths with planning.
  • ⌛ Balancing major courses and gen eds is crucial, and credit hours help manage time commitments and workload.


if College were a video game a major would be like the main storyline sure there are plenty of side quests surprises and achievements to earn but a major give us an overall route where we take classes to reach significant plot points and checkpoints and save points hopefully lots of save points it's a major choice and a pretty important one so stud... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does choosing a major help students specialize their knowledge?

Choosing a major allows students to focus their studies on a specific discipline, field, career, or skill set, gaining specialized knowledge and skills for their future.

Q: Are major courses the same for every student in the same major?

While major courses may have some required courses that all students must take, there is often flexibility and choice in the form of prerequisites, electives, concentrations, or thesis projects within a major.

Q: How can students balance major courses with general education requirements?

It's important to create a feasible schedule by balancing major courses with general education requirements (gen eds) which cover core academic areas. Students should consider their workload and choose gen eds wisely.

Q: Can students switch majors or remain undecided?

Students can switch majors or remain undecided, but it's important to consider the implications, such as extra semesters or additional costs. Undecided students can explore suggested first-year classes or take gen eds to discover their interests.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A major is a student's intended area of study in college, and it guides the classes they take and the knowledge they specialize in.

  • Major courses are designed to meet specific standards, but students often have some choice within their major.

  • Balancing major courses with general education requirements is crucial, and credit hours indicate the time commitment needed for each class.

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