How I handle having ADD | MEL ROBBINS | Summary and Q&A
You can be smart and successful and still struggle with ADHD, which often goes undiagnosed in women. Seeking professional help, getting educated, and implementing strategies such as medication, exercise, and a healthy diet can alleviate symptoms and improve focus.
Key Insights
- π₯Ί ADHD can go undiagnosed in women, leading to anxiety, depression, and self-blame.
- π¨βπ©βπ§βπ¦ The standards for diagnosing ADHD were originally based on hyperactive little boys, causing girls and women to be overlooked.
- π₯Ί Seeking professional help and education about ADHD can lead to a better understanding of personal struggles and more effective coping strategies.
- ποΈ Medication, exercise, and a healthy diet can play a significant role in managing ADHD symptoms.
- π€³ Being diagnosed with ADHD can provide a sense of relief, self-compassion, and the opportunity for personal growth.
- β ADHD can affect focus, organization, and memory, but it does not define one's intelligence or potential for success.
- π€³ Women with ADHD may struggle with societal expectations and self-worth due to their symptoms.
- You see, I assumed if you're 47 years old and you're smart and you're successful, there's no way in hell you have ADD, right? Actually, yes, you can be smart and successful and still struggle with ADD just like I do. (upbeat music) As many of you know, I struggle with ADD and anxiety and mild dyslexia. I've got a whole casserole of neurological s... Read More
Questions & Answers
Q: When did the speaker become aware of her ADHD?
The speaker was diagnosed with ADHD at 47 years old, but she was unaware of it until then.
Q: Can smart and successful individuals have ADHD?
Yes, ADHD can affect anyone, regardless of intelligence or success.
Q: What are the positive effects of being diagnosed with ADHD?
Being diagnosed helped the speaker develop self-compassion, laugh off mistakes, and understand her mind better.
Q: How does ADHD hold the speaker back?
The speaker believes that her anxiety stemmed from undiagnosed ADHD, leading to unfinished projects and a sense of hopelessness.
Q: What strategies does the speaker use to cope with ADHD?
The speaker's strategies include seeking professional help, educating herself about ADHD, taking medication when necessary, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet.
Summary & Key Takeaways
The speaker, at 49 years old, was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago, leading to the realization that women can also be affected by this condition.
Misconceptions about ADHD often relate it solely to hyperactive little boys, but it can manifest differently in girls and women, leading to anxiety and depression if left untreated.
Getting diagnosed with ADHD helped the speaker understand her mind better, develop self-compassion, and find strategies to cope with symptoms.